Chapter Eighteen

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Y/N returned back to her room, she sat on her bed and sighed.

She couldn't sleep, she wasn't asleep before hand. Too many thoughts racing around her head.

She grabbed her note book she was writing in before the Asgardians arrival.

She was writing down the Pros and Cons with going through with this pregnancy.

She was writing down the Pros and Cons with going through with this pregnancy

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She sighed, it didn't help. If anything it made her question everything even more.

"Y/N?", A voice came from the door, followed by small tap, "I see a light on, you still up?"

She quickly hid the notepad and stood up. Opening the door.

"Hey", Bucky greeted her.

"Hey", she replied. "What's up?"

"Can we talk?", he asked, slightly awkwardly.

"Um, sure", she replied. Opening the door more so he could come in.

Once he was in, she shut the door.

"What did you wanna talk about?", she asked.

"I just wanted to check on you, I know this mission has been hard", He replied.

She laughed slightly, "You could say that"

"You're my partner and I feel like I haven't really been checking in on you", He added.

"Partner?", She raised an eyebrow.

Bucky coughed slightly, "Work colleague, y'know"

Y/N laughed, "Yes, I know."

"If there's anything you need, or you need my help. Just ask.", Bucky smiled slightly.

Y/N screwed her eyebrows slightly, "Where's this coming from?"

"Uh, nowhere. Just want to help you.", Bucky replied, avoiding eye contact.

Y/N gave him a stern look.

"Fine, I spoke to Natasha.", He replied.

Her eyes widened slightly.

"And what exactly did you talk about?"

"She said you've been having a hard time with it all, we all just want to help", He replied.

Y/N sighed slightly, scared Nat told him more.

"Well, I appreciate that. Thankyou. But I don't like sympathy, I prefer to help others instead. So if you need my help, let me know.", She replied.

Bucky laughed, "Sure, thanks Y/N"

"No problem, James", She smiled.

He groaned slightly, "I wanna be mad, but it's late so I'm heading to bed."

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