Episode 10: Dawn of War

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Lyla was in her quarters, soaking in the shower, thinking back to what that AEUG captain told her on the Mont Blanc.

Lyla: I'm well aware that the Titans' oppressive policies aren't fair. But is there really room to consider righteousness in war? Not when using military force to further our own interests is the backbone of our society. Soldiers don't have the luxury to be righteous. So why the hell is it bothering me so much? Are the AEUG's actions righteous... Even though they're rebelling against the Federation?

Lyla stepped out of the shower and threw on her bathrobe when there was a buzz at her door.

???: Lyla! Are you there? I need to talk to you before our next sortie! Please open the door!

She snorted at hearing Jerid's voice through the intercom.

Lyla: And what does my Oh so Exalted leader want to talk about?

Jerid: ... Please, stop calling me that.

He leaned against the door and took a deep breath as he worked up his courage.

Jerid: I've... Been thinking about my behavior during the last mission. Clearly, I should be following your orders. Not the other way around.

Lyla's allowed him into her quarters and wrapped her hair in a towel. Jerid instantly turned around, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Jerid: Sorry! I didn't know you were changing!

Lyla: I'm surprised to hear you say that. Why the change of heart?

Jerid: S-seeing the way you fight, and doing some realizations. If you hadn't been there, I would have beem killed out there.

Lyla: What else?

Jerid: Seeing that... Monster... Put the fear of God into me. If I want to become a Titans leader, I need to improve. I want you to teach me whatever it is I need to learn to beat those guys!

Lyla hummed in thought as she changed.

Jerid: I've been trained extensively on Earth. They said I was highly adaptable. That's why I was conscripted in the Titans.

Lyla: Well, first thing you need to know is that adapting and coping are not the same thing.

Jerid: What do you mean?

Lyla: Exactly what I said. If you could cope, would you have frozen up in the face of the enemy? But... Id say you did okay. Those guys were clearly the AEUG's shock troops. You faced off against them twice without getting your Exalted ass killed.

Jerid: They're that good...

Lyla: They're probably One Year War vets with real combat experience. That red mobile suit, and the one with HADES. Those two are definitely the AEUG's Aces. If you're willing to listen to me, I can definitely teach you a thing or two about space combat.

Jerid was surprised that she agreed so easily. The two shared some packs of space juice™ from her stash as they talked.

Lyla: This is for my own sake as well. It's going to take the both of us to down those mobile suits.

Back on the Argama, Quattro, Bright, Blex, and the Mont Blanc's Captain, Embra, were having a meeting to determine their next move.

Blex: So, then, you really think Kamille shows potential as a Newtype, Quattro?

Quattro: I believe so.

Blex: Even though he saw no combat in the MK II?

Bright: If we keep an eye on him, it should become obvious.

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