Episode 11: Stoke the Fires

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Author-sama: I'm gonna start doing a lot of skipping, moving past some of the slower, non-critical parts and stuff, cuz I wanna keep this book under a certain number of chapters.

On the Bosnia, Major Jamaican gave a briefing to the Federation and Titans pilots in attendance. Their goal was to once again capture the Argama and if they could not, Bask gave them permission to sink it. He asked Jerid if he was going to be the squad leader, but he instead opted to follow Lyla's orders, which Jamaican was surprised by. Afterwards, everyone got suited up and boarded their mobile suits and launched from the catapult deck one by one, flying swiftly towards their target.

Meanwhile, Quattro, Blex, and Bright had yet another meeting, this time discussing Kamille and formally enlisting him into their ranks.

Blex: You say he has talent, but he's still a kid. You can't let him get himself killed out there.

Quattro: It's as you say, General. Until it's time to strike a decisive blow against the Titans, we can't put him in a key role in our combat operations. But I'm not going to lose one of our most important pieces in the opening gambit.

Blex: You're a cold-hearted man, Quattro.

Bright: He's a warrior to his core.

Quattro: Training won't be enough. My theory is that great soldiers are forged in the heat of battle.

Blex: Very well. Do as you please.

Suddenly, Saegusa's image came on the monitor above Blex.

Saegusa: Commander Bright! Mobile suits have been spotted on radar! Put on your normal suit and head to the bridge!

Bright: Understood!

Saegusa made an announcement to the rest of the Argama.

Saegusa: All hands to primary battle stations! Retract Life Modules and transition the Argama to combat mode!

Bright and the rest made it to the Bridge in their normal suits. Bright took his spot in the captain's seat.

Bright: How long until the enemy makes contact?

Saegusa: Seven minutes.

Blex: We can't make it to the Shoal Zone in that timeframe, can we?

Bright: General, please, think before you speak. If we go into the Shoal Zone, we'd have to travel slowly to avoid obstacles. And with a team of mobile suits after us, that'd be suicide.

Quattro: Emergency maneuvers during combat would be the last mistake you'd make.

Bright: General, trust Quattro on this.

Blex: Hmmmmm...

Bright gave the order to prepare for engagement. Quattro went down to the mobile suit deck to meet up with Apolly, Roberto, Quattro, and Leon.

Quattro: Sorry to keep you all waiting. Now, then. There are six enemy mobile suits, two Galbaldies, four Hizacks. We need each Rick Dias to count for two of them. And we can't let them cross our defensive perimeter.

Roberto: Tough odds.

Quattro: Kamille, Leon. You two stay behind and back us up.

Leon: Roger.

Kamille didn't respond as he felt a flash cross his mind.

Kamille: That woman. She's here.

Quattro: What's wrong?

Kamille: Huh? Oh, it's nothing. We'll be fine as long as the enemy doesn't get close to the Argama, right?

Quattro: ... Right.

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