Chapter 12.

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"...we are doing this, Maahira. And you are coming with us." Arjun, my sister's husband ordered, trying to use the strict dad tone he uses with his daughter like I was a toddler too. It doesn't work with Heer and it was definitely not going to work with me.

"Wait, back up. Could you repeat that just so you can hear how ridiculous you sound right now?" I asked him, clearly disapproving of his horrendous ideas. "I said that I want to get Antara and Heer matching diamond rings and I want to purchase them from Kaushal & Co.,you know the jewellery brand your husband owns and designs? And I want you to come with us today, when we go down to the store."

I stayed quiet for a moment, deeply wondering if Arjun has always had a little maniac side to him or did my sister play any role in this. Arjun was a kind man who has always kept my sister happy even though her definition of happiness has been incredibly warped. But this was not how warm and welcoming I want him to be.

"Maahi. Are you still here?" He said and his background was also silenced from Heer's enthusiastic blabbering. "No. I don't want you to be anywhere near your crazy idea. Look, if you wanna get them rings, I will be the happiest to see the smiles on their faces. But there are like a million stores and brands in this world. Why does it have to be this?"

"Because like it or not, Maahi, his brand really has intricate designs and quality diamonds I have secretly found your sister fawning over. And he is family. If I set foot anywhere near another jewellery brands, it will really bad press." He sighed, as if carefully weighing his next words, "And we have to give that man an opportunity, Maahi."

I agreed that everyone deserved an opportunity, even multiple opportunities if the circumstances allow, but Zaeden was not the kind who looked for one. He was unapologetically ruthless and operated in a way beyond the usual moral grounds. Infact, he probably preferred people viewing him exactly in the narrative he decided.

"Everything is not black or white in this universe, Maahi. You can't be married to someone if you have such conflicting opinions about them." It was highly debatable but on a larger magnitude, it was true. I wasn't going to be some loyal soldier but I can't really stand in his house and ask my family to take their business someplace else.

"Do I have to go?" I asked in a last attempt to save myself from this. "Yes." He grunted without any hesitation. So I got dressed in a short black dress with gold buttons and white collars with socks and black heels. It was subtle and simply defined my tastes.

The house was eerily silent as usual with a small sound from the kitchen at little intervals. I initially thought of walking by without paying any attention to Neerja but decided against it, mainly because I missed Darsh and hardly got to see him or spend time with him. "Neerja, would you mind telling me where Darsh is?" I asked, standing at the doorstep of the kitchen, without entering. She frowned at bowl in her hand and said, "Zaeden has gone to Birmingham for one day and taken Darsh with him." in a way that seemed like the word tasted bitter in her mouth.

We drove separately to his store, the biggest branch in Richmond which also doubled as his main office. And I think I understood why this was the most prioritized over every other. It was regal, royal and everything luxurious combined into one. The architecture, the designing, the soft lights were simply admirable. My sister and my niece apparently thought the same because they were staring hollow-eyed at the chandeliers, drinking the glow like it was a nectar.

A black woman with a clipboard, around early 20s, intercepted us as we entered. She wore black suit with black slacks, the staple uniform, her hair matted and pulled back into a tight updo and spoke with a vivacious joy, "Welcome to Kaushal & Co. Would please provide me with your names?" Arjun helped her fill out his and Antara's name when the woman finally pointer at me with her pen without looking up, "And what might be the fine lady's name?"

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