Chapter 24.

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He kicked open the door to his bedroom, walked in and locked the door, throwing me on his bed. My body hit the soft mattress and bounced back slightly as I pulled myself together and recoiled away from him. Suddenly I wasn't feeling so brave anymore now that I was locked in his bedroom, his ravenous gaze devouring on every inch of my naked skin. I was scared of how this will go but I was also thrilled and that zap of pleasure was shooting straight between my legs.

He obviously does not care because he grabbed me by my ankles and dragged to the edge of the bed and forced me to turn around, lying on my stomach. He aggressively shoved my dress up and bared my ass to the air. Next, he grabbed my underwear at the hips and pulled them down as if they were personally offending him. He was a man on a mission, only taking assured steps and moves as he has been planning this for days.

The underwear never saw the light of the day again or maybe, it's just me who does not see them anymore. "Zaeden..." I whispered, suddenly self-conscious and partially scared of this intimacy with him. "Did you really think I would have let you go? Just like that? Hmm?" He tauntingly questioned and I winced as the first spank landed on my left ass cheek. The pain was only mixed with shock, followed by a burning sensation. But all my senses were provoked now.

"Did you really think I will let your bastard father have any opinion about this?" The rhetorical question followed by 3 more spanks, altered between my right and left ass cheeks. The burning was as bad as shoving your hand near a gasoline-lit flame but there was no pain, just a shameless sloshing wetness in my core. "The marriage contract I made you sign had a strict no-divorce clause. But I didn't let you read that, did I?" He said and rubbed his rough palms on my bottom, pretending to soothe the ache when all he did was make them even more aggravated.

I should be immediately turned-off and scared of this vile, malicious man. Someone who went through such severe lengths to trap me in this marriage but all it did was send all the blood rushing downwards, making me hypersensitive. "If you had signed your father's deal today, it would have contradicted the original terms of my contract." He spanked me at a maddening pace only on my left side and a pathetic moan left my mouth.

"It would have been a punishable offense for your father and he would have to forfeit by giving me Portville as per his terms." He paused, his fingers running between my thighs, exploring the sticky wetness starting to seep out. "But you would still have to be here. In my fucking house, in my bed as my wife." He spanked my right side non-stop for a minute or two, making me scream out with a cathartic release.

"Zaeden, it hurts..." I whimpered but I knew this was not a plead for him to stop and he knew it, just like he knew everything else going on deep down. "Do you think I care?" Tears gathered in my lids as he shoved a thick finger into my pussy, reveling in the proof of my orgasm he found. It didn't spank me anymore but his finger stimulated my spot, tempting and pushing me to the edge of another explosion. " am going to..." Just as soon as the words escaped me, he immediately removed his finger, leaving me clenching around nothing. "Why...why did you to that?" I whimpered out loud desperately. Just a second more and I could have orgasmed. And now, I was angry and my nipples hurt like they were shards of glass.

"To make you feel what I feel. Tempting me with those little skirts, coming down in front of the lawyers without a bra." He shoved my dress down with finality and when I turned around to release all my pent-up aggression, he shoved his finger into his mouth, licking and sucking around it and I squeezed my legs to settle the throbbing between them as I hadn't orgasmed.

"I will never let you go, get that through your head. And I am done pretending to be a cooperative gentleman. The monster is coming to play and you better be prepared." He said, sheer dominance and possessiveness dripping in his words. That was what pretty much defined him. Every situation, every pattern was automatically under his iron fist. If you ever felt a minute of your control, it's was because he was controlling that as well.

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