Chapter 20.

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I grabbed the seatbelt beside her head and pulled it across her chest, letting my knuckles brush over her breasts, the soft swells created by that little excuse of her top. Just a little tug at the straps on her shoulder and her breasts would be exposed for me to play and torchure with. But for now, I settle with a brush of her skin against my calloused knuckles, the bruised edges that have felt bone crack underneath them and blood spray out but now, I felt the warmth of her golden skin and her rapid heartbeat as she held her breath, feeling the heat of my touch just as much as I did.

Holding both the seatbelts, I pulled at them, tightening them across her body and trapping her and she let out a small gasp. My mother used to tell us a traditional tale that kindred souls always found each other, they could recognize with just a touch or a word because they were connected deeply. But she was too pure to understand that souls were often stained, they soaked up colours and if not removed, they permanently change into the colours they were stained with. In my case, it had changed into black, the black of hollow and void, the incessant pool of darkness no one could find the end to.

The soul connection and theories was all bullshit now, a child's fairytale spun by a happy woman with a picket-fence house, a gentleman of a husband and three kids. It was irrelevant and inapplicable. Black souls like ours, they take, conquer, and whisper a big fuck-you to fate everytime they looked up at the night sky. They do not believe in a connection to another damned soul that could tether them, hold them back when hole gets too dark.

The headphones with a microphone placed on my head, I pressed the buttons almost like a routine and blades of the helicopter begin spinning and warm for departure. "May, 2-4-1-5, Eurocopter KV7 ready to depart." The blades gain momentum and allowed the vehicle to uplift in the air, feeling the lightness down to my bones as the ATC said on the speakers, "Roger that, Eurocopter KV7. Your flight plan from London to Kingston is cleared." The helicopter propelled into the air instantly, about six feet away from the helipad as I accelerated it forward.

The black souls grab the pathetic, hopeless ones by their necks and shove them down into the holes to fill the... "Kingston? That's where we are going?She said with a feminine lilting voice, her brown eyes twinkling with genuine enthusiasm for the first time in my presence. I did not qualify that question with any answer, turning back to look at the devices and equipments. Out of the corner of my eyes, I watched her.

My lack of responses and cold attitude does not deter her in the slightest from staring through the glass at city beneath her feet, shining with the city lights. Her noise-canceling headphones did not have the microphone so I could see the full-blown smile stuck on her face that makes her doe eyes appear bigger and her cheeks softer. My shoulders relaxed on their own accord and veered the helicopter left, tracking the location on the GPS screen.

I focused on flying this shit like I was a first-timer when I have been flying this for the past seven years. But like a hungry predator salivating after his fresh prey, I couldn't resist and I didn't have to resist. I twisted my neck to look at her as she looked outside, checking the view like she couldn't get enough. The soft frames and lines of her face had melted away her harsh ones, the ones I had seen back at the mansion. She was obviously upset with Nafisah's little show of claiming me and my son or possibly just my son. But she was also a woman who retreated with dignity, being raised in polished shoes and silver spoons in her mouth, she was unaware of torn shoes and knives against your tongue.

I do not belong to anyone, never have and never will, not even to my legally-wedded wife. And my son was not a prize to be shamelessly claimed by the likes of Nafisah. He has struggled and persevered with things I couldn't control and there was only one woman he called for during those times. As soon as Maahira walked out of the mansion, Rayn's mood doomed immediately as he cancelled the dinner plans by himself and went to sulk in his room. It was as sappy as watching a high-schooler losing his prom date to another guy.

My eyes brashly lingered down to her naked thighs, the flowing hem of her skirt teasing and the knee-high boots making my dick strain harder against my slacks and my balls bluer. I could put my hand on her thighs and squeeze the mound of flesh, damned flying a helicopter but that was not the restlessness I wanted to present. I was more immuned to physical attraction than a peek of a woman's thighs, 'was' being the keyword.

The 45 minutes of the flight passed in silence, the noise-canceling headphones and the gentle buzzing of the blades lulling us into a comfortable pattern of staying put in our own worlds, atleast for her. I avoided looking at her again for the rest of the duration of the flight, sure that this time I wouldn't look away or hide the fact that I have been staring at her non-hesitantly. I made the helicopter hover closer to the helipad on the rooftop of the destined building, speaking into the microphone, "Milan Tower, Eurocopter KV7, over W4."

"Eurocopter KV7, on FATO cleared to land, wind 190 degrees 5 knots." The ATC cleared from the speakers as I confirmed, "On FATO cleared to land Eurocopter KV7." I lowered the vehicle firmly onto the solid ground, the speed of the blades slowing as one of the controllers opened Maahira's side of the door and quickly touched the latch of the seatbelt resting on her lap to get her out.

Rage consumed me instantly and I lose the semblance of stability I had gathered to land the helicopter safely. "Get the fuck away from her or I will shred your hands in the blades of this helicopter, right now." The guy, who looks barely above 25 himself, widened his eyes with fear and jumped back immediately, away from helipad, his hands tucked behind him.

Maahira removed her headphones and glared at me, the honey-brown eyes lined with black at the top of her eyelids and the bottom gave her the bedroom eyes, I wasn't fucking prepared for. I purposely ignored the conviction in her glare as I unlocked my own seatbelts, and got out before going over to her side to unlock her seatbelts and get her out.

I grabbed her hand as I walked away from the helipad, my team taking over, to talk to the head of all these employees. "Fire that lad. I don't want to see him anywhere near my fucking offices." I jerked my head at the guy standing in a corner, looking anywhere but his feet and probably crying too.

"What? Zaeden, you cannot fire him for something so stupid." Maahira chirped up from beside me, forever the voice of the reason, protesting against my decision before my team. "I can and I will. This does not concern you so stay out of it." I bit out venomously. I don't care about her defiance but goddamnit, no one gets to go above me to reach her.

"This does concern me. You're firing him because he opened my door. He is probably new and might have gotten a little excited to impress you." She said, as my grip on her hand tightened and the head of the team walked away, on his way to fire him and saving himself from unemployment too by not staying here for another second.

I pulled her with me out of the terrace, towards the elevators as I punched the button to shut the doors. She stood behind me, her height upto my throat, looking small and squeezable for my arms. I hated how she made me doubt everything I knew about myself, how she took the hammer against my fortress no one has dared touch before. I despise how she makes me feel like I was a drug addict for her,who couldn't recover even at a rehab center. I don't like this. Not one bit.

"If you think that going on one helicopter ride with me makes you my equal, you're delusional. This is about my house, my office and my property and my employees. You are my wife only in ways I decide. You're just as replaceable to me as that guy I fired." The flash of hurt on her face made my chest hurt so fucking hard.

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