Chapter 21.

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I hated to admit this but those 45 minutes were the most cherishable memories I ever made in my life. I was a woman of simple tastes but what money could buy was always fascinating to me and I wasn't ashamed to accept that. Until Zaeden ruined it, all over again. I was uncertain about the fact that if he did all of this for me but now, it was as clear as the daylight. He was not capable of any compassion or empathy. Everything was a planned-out, thorough manipulative game for him. He looked away from me, staring at the closed elevator doors as I moved further back, leaning against the back and crossing my legs.

There are so many things I could say that would set his blood on fire and make him feel the same pricking hurt in his dark, burned heart but I don't. Not engaging with him was my best option. And arguing with him would show that I deeply cared about his words, that I truly want all the things from him he isn't ready to provide. Which I do not. So, as the elevators descent down to his designated floor, I pretended like I was the only one in this elevator. It was a good thing I knew exactly what event we were going to, so I didn't have to ask him about. I had seen an invitation for the Annual Jewellery and Gems Gala lying around in his mansion earlier today. It was basically a dinner hosted to bring together all the jewellery designers and companies to promote friendships and companionship when off the market. Zaeden doesn't care about any of that but I wasn't sure what his ulterior motive could be.

As the doors parted, he was the first person to step out and the camera flashes begun violently as I stepped to the edge of the elevators and Zaeden extended his arm towards me, engulfing my palm in his heated ones. Markov suddenly stepped in from somewhere and stood behind me as the reporters and media outlets clicked their flashes in a wild frenzy. They were not interested in Zaeden, I knew that at once, they were interested in me. The villainized billionaire who doesn't believe in societal standards getting married and hiding his wife from limelight? It would the headline of the year. As soon as we were inside the banquets, they would dig up my entire history and my father's life will be open for all to devour and judge. Oh God, this wasn't right.

We dodged every questions and people blocking our way because Zaeden was a scary person to be around them all as we entered the hall and the wild noise diluted at once. The space was transformed with plush carpeted floors and luxurious chandeliers, casting a warm glow on the surroundings. Long dinner tables were laid out at the centers with expensive cutlery and linen centerpieces. More smaller and enclosed booths lined the walls with dark couches and a bar to the left. Some of the most famous jewelry company owners were present, chatting away with their wives on their arms, wearing some elegant dinner dresses with exquisite pieces of jewelries from their companies. I would have felt slightly underprepared if not for my ring and necklace which was as expensive as some of the fuller necklaces here.

The first man to approach Zaeden was looked like my father in his Brioni suit and gray hair and beard but with a beer belly. Infact, most of them looked about my father's age. They shook hands for as long as a second Zaeden would allow and he said, "Zaeden, I thought you were going to miss yet another event of the year." He laughed, his belly shaking with the velocity of his laughter and I was amused. "You got married and didn't even bother throwing a party and inviting us?" He taunted in a playful manner, and I stick my lips between my teeth to hold in a laugh myself.

"That is none of your business and even if I had one, I wouldn't have invited you." Zaeden said rudely but the man waved him off like he was swatting a fly away. His eyes landed on me smiling and he approached by himself, "He is not going to introduce us so I might as well do it." He held out his palm, "I am Gromov Antonelli, the owner of Antonelli Diamonds. And your name would be?"

Before I could answer, Zaeden blocked my way and answered, "Her name is get out of my face." I have heard of Antonelli diamonds from my stepmother's collection and they were a pretty large brand too, more Russian based though. Being a competitor, if he was so friendly and charming, why was Zaeden being so uncharacteristically rude? Then again, it wasn't uncharacteristic of him.

"Maahira, was it? I heard some reporters screaming at the top of their lungs." He said and we finally shook hands, Zaeden still crushing his teeth under his jaw. "Come, let me introduce you to my wife and my family." He tugged lightly at my hands, and I don't protest. I am not the best person to make interpersonal relationships but I like to socialize and it was an advantage that people felt comfortable yapping to me so I just listened with keen interest. Zaeden probably spotted someone in the crowd he was actually interested in so he does not protest either.

He leaned in to whisper something in Gromov's ear that only made him laugh harder and finally turned to me, "Markov and I will be watching you. Do not hesitate stabbing someone who makes you uncomfortable even for a second or I can do much worse." He said and waited for me reaction, but I give him none. Because firstly, I do not need him to protect me and secondly, I do not need him, period. His brows slightly furrowed but I just walked away with Gromov.

Gromov took me to his own sitting area where he introduced me to his wife, Natalya, a Russian model and 20 years younger than him and his two sons. He also introduced me to like 5 jewelry designers, some of the names I have only heard during auctions. But the person I clicked the most with was Gromov himself. He told me he was brought up in a traditional Russian family but he didn't believe der'mo vse
in the rules, especially those set against women, not sure what that means.

"So, how did you get married to Zaeden of all people? You look like you belong to a very sophisticated family." Gromov inquired, the confusion on his face clear enough to be sketched on paper. I do not answer that. I don't want Zaeden's paranoia to transfer onto me but what if Gromov was just cozying up to me to gather leverage against him. I don't want to be used as an insider source.

Natalya sensed my lack of answer as my doubt and said, "Oh darling, you don't have to worry about us. My husband is just inquisitive. We are Russians, nothing incriminating is surprising for us anymore." She leaned back with her glass of white wine and said, "My family sold me to Gromov to repay their debts." The admission takes me by surprise as they just laughed with each other. So I gave them a very rough rundown of the events, skipping out on all the gun pointing and niece- threatening parts.

The conversation steers into career choices and Gromov seemed pretty impressed by my talent with finances and numbers. "You're young, what just 24? This is your age to have fun and make bad decisions. Don't let the idea of money and a boring husband hold you down." Gromov said philanthropically, sipping his Tom Collins. "Common, honey. Don't be so presumptuous. Zaeden is supporting her right now." Natalya rubbed her husband's arm. Gromov winked at her wife in understanding, but an unspoken agreement happens between us, the one where we agree with his outlook.

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