It' only you | Final | KTH

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The Jeon lables were giving their best to take down all the articles and as them being the most reputed company, the media had to take down the news and the ones who didn't were sent the legal notice to drag them into the courts.

The article released by Jeon lables were taken seriously by the locals. They believed that it was just a rumor to attract the audience to the theater.

There was no sign of Yuna nor her company was responding to the Jeon Lable.

All these mess didn't affect the movie which was fortunate.

Jungkook's efficient employees were able to find out the person behind the speard of misinformation which was none other than Yuna. Jungkook was burning in anger because he somewhere knew that behind Yuna's sudden disappearance and the dating rumors has to do something.

"send legal notice to Yuna's lable for defamation." Jungkook commands to his secretary who didn't waste time to do so.

Taehyung walks in Jungkook's cabin. Jungkook was confused because of his sudden appearance as he didn't call him.

"Mr.Jeon, i no more want to work in films." Taehyung announces catching Jungkook off guard.

"what? what nonsense are you spilling? i'm already loosing my shit because of the mess Yuna has created, don't add more into it." Jungkook says going back to his work.

"i am serious Mr.Jeon. i am sorry to disappoint you but I don't wish to be in the profession that causes harm to my loved ones. I don't want to continue being an actor if it put the emotions of my loved ones on risk." Taehyung says without any inch of hesitation.

"what the hell are you blabbering about?" Jungkook was pissed off.

"Mr.Jeon, my dad discovered that Yuna tried to pay for spreading rumor of our dating to one of the subsidiary company of ours that's into media. he has provided me the evidence too and I'm handing them over to you." Taehyung says putting an envelope on Jungkook's table.

"and i have a girlfriend whom I can't lose at any cost." Taehyung says. Jungkook's eyes enlarged in shock.

"you have what?" he asks baffled.

"I have a girlfriend Mr.Jeon. we're dating since our high school days. If it weren't for her then I wouldn't have been able to reach to the point where I am. She's the only one I love the most after my parents. The person I treasure and cherish the most is my girlfriend. It's just her unconditional trust and love for me that didn't cause any damage to our relationship. I know the sacrifices she has been through for my career. I know these rumours might be small things for others but it isn't in my case." Taehyung says with tears in his eyes.

"so you're giving up on your career because of your girlfriend?" Jungkook asks.

"no, not because of her. she has always been my priority and I don't want to prioritize my career over her." Taehyung says.

"fine then. announce your relationship with your girlfriend to the public." Jungkook says walking towards Taehyung.

"what?" Taehyung was shocked.

"you claim that because of your girlfriend's support and sacrifices then why are you giving up on your bright career? won't it hurt her? won't it let go all her sacrifices, faith and support waste? that's why I'm suggesting you to announce your relationship with her." Jungkook says pushing his hands in his trousers.

"Mr.Jeon, it isn't as easy as it sounds. what if she encounters criticism? you're very well of the mindsets of people." Taehyung says and sighed.

"ofcourse! I'm very well aware of it but just think wisely about it. i'm not denying the fact that some people will oppose your relationship but be honest do they even pay your bills to give a damn about their opinion? it's something that has to be with you, your girlfriend and your family not the people. and I can assure you, the people who truly love you, they won't ever leave your side. they'll support you through every thik and thin. you'll find your true fans by your side even in your darkest days. I'm sure, they'll accept your relationship." Jungkook says patting Taehyung's shoulder. He bloomed hope in Taehyung's heart.

"just think wisely and let me know your decision tomorrow." Jungkook says and went back to his seat leaving the smiling Taehyung.


"will you marry me, love?" Taehyung asks kneeling down in front of the love of his life with the ring box shining under the bright moonlight on their rooftop.

"OMG YES! YES! YES! YES! TAE." she jumps in happiness with tears in her eyes. Taehyung stands on his feet and slides down the ring in her finger with a boxy smile playing on his face. Y/n hugs him while sobbing. Taehyung too shaded tears of happiness.

after the discussion that Taehyung had with Jungkook, he gave alot of thoughts to it. he realised that Jungkook was right. moreover, y/n wouldn't have allowed him to give up on his career for her. so he made a wise decision of proposing you for marriage and announce it to the public.

they both are sure of spending their life together with each other and that's why before proposing her for marriage Taehyung talked out about the things he discussed with Jungkook. Y/n was overwhelmed with everything happening but choose to trust Taehyung and ended up saying yes to him.

Taehyung didn't waste a second to inform about the good news to his parents, Jimin and Jungkook. all of them wished them the best and gave their blessing.

Jungkook's legal team took action against Yuna's lable and demanded public apology. Yuna was getting immense hate for paying double amout to the media to spread fake news. all over the internet and social media was flooded with the hate comments for Yuna.

The public was shocked again when the Jeon label released an official statement of Taehyung's marriage. as Jungkook said, some were happy and some who were obsessed with Taehyung shade hate towards the couple but they didn't care as they have each other. Sam was heartbroken when she discovered that y/n is Taehyung's girlfriend but she was happy too for the couple.

Taehyung kept y/n away from the negativity. Taehyung's parents were happy to see their child handling the situation with maturity.

About Taehyung's career, there was a mess due to the news articles but with the months passing by things started to settle down. Taehyung was now looking forward to work in his third movie project. And before he begins shooting, he got married to y/n in the presence of their close relatives and ofcourse Taehyung's friends Jimin and Jungkook.

The newly weds were sitting in their balcony wrapped up in the blanket enjoying the cool breeze.

Taehyung places a loving kiss on y/n's forehead who had her head pressed against his chest.

"we've came a long way, Taehyung." Taehyung smiles hearing her.

"hmm, we did and it's all thanks to you. if it weren't you, your love, care, faith and support then nothing would've happened." Taehyung says hugging her tight.

"why are you giving all credits to me?huh?" she looks at him.

"because you deserve it wifey. i'm nothing without you so always stay by my side." Taehyung says bopping his nose with hers.

"ofcourse I will. I can't even think of breathing without you." she says making him chuckle.

"really? do you love me that much?" he asks caressing her waist.

"no! it's deeper than the ocean is!" she says making Taehyung laugh.

"are you flirting with me, Mrs.Kim?" He asks making her roll her eyes.

"so what if I'm? I can flirt with my husband." she says and snuggles in his chest, hugging him tight.

"yeah yeah! you can." he says and leans down to capture her lips.

the couple devoured each other's lips pouring all their love for each other, smiling through the kiss. they were feeling content being each other's side after all ups and downs.

it was the start of their another beautiful chapter as a husband and wife.

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