It's only you | Part 2 | KTH

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"baby, you good? does it pain?" taehyung asks from the other side of the phone.

"yeah, i'm okay. don't worry much." y/n says in a low tone as she's at work.

"when did you get in?" he asks. she shakes her head smiling.

"right after you left." taehyung's lips formed a pout.

"oh no! i'll be home early, hmm? we'll cuddle and spend our time together so that you feel better." he says like a happy and excited kid making her giggle.

"we will." she says smiling.

"baby, i gotta go. the break is over." taehyung says. she bid him goodbye and hung up the call.

"who got you smiling like that, huh?" jessica says teasingly in her ears causing her to be startled but later roll her eyes.

"ah! ofcourse! who else can it be other than our beloved Greek God Kim Taehyung?" she dramatically says only to tease her. Jessica is y/n's and Taehyung's close friend. Therefore, she knows about their relationship.

"shut up, jess." y/n said while typing on her computer.

"hey girls." a cheerful voice interrupted them.

"hey sam, what's up?" jessica asks.

"i just got free from an important meeting. so i thought, let's go tonight for a girls' date. we can enjoy our weekend." she says excitedly.

"sounds great! I'm up for it." jessica chirps.

"yes! y/n, you're coming right?" sam asks y/n who smiled at her shaking your head.

"why?" she asks whining.

"i've some plans already." she softly said. jessica was quick enough to understand why she refused the idea. sam was sulking with pout.

"is that so?" she asks, y/n nodded.

"fine but you won't decline our movie date. i don't want to miss the first show on first day of the release." she says smiling bright.

"heh? which movie?" jessica asks perplexed. 

"you dummy, the movie of The Great Greek God Kim Taehyung." sam says bringing a smile on y/n's face. Just the mention of his name makes her smile.

"oo but there's still time for the release." jessica says.

"i know but I'm a huge fan of him and i don't want to miss the first show at any cost. so girls i've already booked your day, okay? y/n, you can't refuse this, got it?" y/n smiled nodding at her. she left as she got call from the manager of her department.

"yaa! i was just wondering, don't you get jealous?"  y/n looks at her confused.

"jealous? about what?" she asks. jessica rolled her eyes.

"yaa! everyday girls drool over Taehuyng including sam. i see it on his social media pages, they leave sweet and dirty comments under his posts. don't you get jealous? seeing them drooling over the one who's your boyfriend?" jessica says. y/n let out a sigh and shook her head smiling.

"no, i don't get jealous over such things nor i care about it. i'm not insecure about it either because at the end of the day he returns home only for me." she says with a warm smile.

"y/n, I know the love you both have for each other but all I want you both is to be careful. this entertainment industry is not what it looks like. it has the darkest secrets, scandals and dirty politics that are hidden from all of us. Taehyung is now part of that industry but he'll take years to understand all these. he's a mature guy so he knows what he's doing. I'm just not confident about what other people can do. he's an innocent soul and that's what worries me." y/n smiled hearing her caring words.

"don't worry jessica. no matter what happens we are one and we are inseparable. if anything happens we'll face it together like always." she confidently said.

"may you guys always be protected from all the evil eyes." jessica says pulling her in a hug.

Meanwhile, a pair of evil eyes were already gawking at the home screen of Taehyung's phone. The grip on his phone tightened seeing the closeness of the couple. her jaw clenched seeing the closeness between them and their lips aligned with each other's.

it was none other than Shin Yuna, the co-star and main lead of the film that Taehyung is working on

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it was none other than Shin Yuna, the co-star and main lead of the film that Taehyung is working on. she looks at Taehyung who is discussing the next scene with the director. she saw the password of his phone when Taehyung opened his phone to text y/n. Nobody knows about Taehyung's relationship but Yuna figured it out when she caught Taehyung spending his time on while during breaks. her doubts were confirmed when she saw his wallpaper. She even went through his phone's gallery only to find it filled with the couple's lovely photos and some of their solo photos.

"Ms Shin, the director is asking for you." she nods as her secretary informs. she kept his phone at the place where it was before and walked towards them.

"ah, you're here!" the director exclaims. she passes them a smile and sits closer to Taehyung despite having a space on the big couch but that doesn't stop Taehyung from scooting away from her.

"we've made some changes in the script." her forehead creased.

"in the ending scene, there won't be any kissing scene that we planned initially." the director informs making her face go pale. it was her chance and part of her plan to do that scene even though it was the only scene showing proximity between the leads.

"why? i mean why all of a sudden?" she asks in the most polite manner refusing to sound desperate. 

"we discussed it with Mr Jeon before making any decision. Taehyung requested me to remove this part from the scene as he'll be uncomfortable." the director was about to continue but she stopped him in mid.

"uncomfortable? in a kissing scene? come on, Taehyung don't be silly." she laughed off.

"Ms Yuna, Taehyung is still a newbie despite being famous. it's normal for him to feel such a way. Moreover, Mr Jeon approved his request considering the fact that this movie is an action thriller and doesn't require any such scene. so everyone agreed to it." The director says.

"and what about the chemistry?" she was now desperate. Taehyung is now starting to feel discomfort.

"both of you are excellent actors and as I said, the movie is an action thriller-based so I don't think there will be paid attention to the love angle. moreover, it's barely 10% part of the film." the director says. Yuna huffed in annoyance rolling her eyes.

The director asked them to get ready to shoot the final scene. Taehyung walked in his changing room first to get ready whereas Yuna was planning her next move.

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