New neighbor | Bonus | KTH

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Five years had painted streaks of silver into Taehyung's hair, etching a few laugh lines around his eyes, but the warmth in his gaze remained as potent as ever. Today, the man who once stole your breath with a stolen kiss was celebrating his 38th birthday, surrounded by the love that was his greatest gift.

Your little firecracker, Aera, a whirlwind of energy with your hair and his dimples, toddled around the living room, a crown of construction paper adorning her head. "Happy birthday, Dada!" she declared, her voice ringing with the unadulterated joy only a child could possess.

Taehyung scooped her up in a giant hug, burying his face in her mess of curls. "Thank you, munchkin! You're the best present a guy could ask for." He glanced at you, his eyes twinkling with a love that had only deepened with time. "You too," he mouthed silently, a secret smile playing on his lips.

The morning had been a blur of giggles and flour as Aera, with more enthusiasm than finesse, helped you frost a cake adorned with thirty-eight mismatched candles. The lopsided creation, held together with precariously placed sprinkles, was a testament to the chaos and love that filled your life.

As Taehyung settled Aera on the couch, his gaze met yours across the room. A silent conversation passed between you, a shared memory of stolen kisses rekindled in the soft glow of the morning light. Here, in this messy, beautiful life you'd built together, the embers of that memory had transformed into a blazing inferno - a love story rewritten with laughter, flour-dusted cheeks, and the most precious gift of all: your daughter.

The day unfolded at a leisurely pace. Aera, armed with a crayon and boundless creativity, insisted on decorating a card for her dad. The resulting masterpiece, a chaotic explosion of color and nonsensical scribbles, was framed and hung with pride next to your wedding photo.

The afternoon was spent in the park, chasing butterflies and building sandcastles that resembled lopsided fortresses. Taehyung, ever the playful soul, pretended to be a dragon guarding his princess, sending Aera into fits of giggles. You watched them, a contented sigh escaping your lips. This, this was what it meant to have a family, a love story woven into the fabric of everyday moments.

As dusk painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, the three of you huddled together on the couch, Aera nestled between you, her head lolling against Taehyung's chest. He sang her a lullaby, his voice a low, soothing rumble that sent shivers down your spine. Aera's eyelids fluttered closed, a peaceful smile gracing her lips.

With a silent nod, you carried her to her room, tucking her in with a kiss on her forehead. Returning to the living room, you found Taehyung lighting the candles on the lopsided cake. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the wall, a reminder of the years that had flown by, each one etched with memories that warmed your heart.

"Make a wish," he whispered, his hand finding yours. You closed your eyes, a silent prayer forming on your lips. It wasn't for riches or fame, but for a lifetime of these moments - stolen kisses under the morning light, laughter-filled afternoons in the park, and quiet evenings spent as a family.

You blew out the candles, the room erupting in applause from Taehyung. As you leaned in for a birthday kiss, the sweetness of frosting mingling with the warmth of his lips, you knew your love story wasn't just a happily ever after. It was a forever in the making, a love story written in stolen kisses, shared laughter, and a messy, beautiful life filled with the most precious gift of all - your family.

Pulling away from the kiss, the sweetness of frosting still clinging to your lips, you couldn't help but shower Taehyung with even more affection. Your fingers trailed up his arm, sending shivers dancing across his skin. "Happy birthday, my love," you murmured, your voice thick with emotion. "The greatest gift you could ever ask for is already here, with you."

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