Chapter - 3

141 15 13

Third person pov :

Kavya and Kabir were arguing however hearing her shout they hurried to Amayra.

Only to get shocked seeing her hitting a guy.

"You idiot!  How dare you rob one car in the daytime! " She said hitting him.

"Oh crazy girl!  Stop hitting me!! " He said as he held her stick,  but she tried to hit him again, he held her wrist before she could hit!

"What the hell is happening here? " Kavya asked, getting confused.

"He is trying to steal your car! " Amayra said as she wiggled in his hold.

"Why will I steal Kabir car! " He said glaring at her.

"First leave her hand " Kavya said sternly,  he left her hand,  he winced as he felt pain on his arm, she glared at him.

"He is not a Thief Amy! " Kavya said,  she now looked confused.

"But...I.. "

"He is our friend, most importantly his friend!" Kavya said glancing at Kabir.

"And I gave him the car keys to take out some stuffs from her car! " Kabir said.

Amayra had sweat beads on her face, she now gave him a pity look ,  who had  scowl on his face.

"Hmm.. I am... " Amayra tried to apologise but he walked away.

"Dhruv.... " Kavya called him but he just went,  behind him Kabir.

Dhruv Pov:

Kabir told me to bring some stuffs from her car,  which was obviously her snacks.

She was not even concerned about her health!

So I just went to bring out her snacks but I never thought I will meet a crazy girl!

She thought I was a Robber!

Was I looking that bad?

She surely hit me hard with the stick,  it's been long time since I got hit!

I winced as I held my shoulder, She sure seems crazy!

"Does it hurts? " Kabir asked.

Wow! He saw me still he asks the question!

"No way!  I am fit and fine, even after getting hit by a random girl! " I said with sarcasm,  he gave me a sympathy look.

"Shut up Kabir!  I am already pissed off! " I said irritated.

"OK man,  you go inside your room,  I will bring the some Ice bag for you " Kabir said,  making me nod.

I thought everything will go fine as I am about to complete my mission!

I shrugged and went in my room,  I removed my hoodie, sat on my bed.


"Dhruv? " I heard a voice,  making me stand up again.


"Mom.. You..?" I asked,  she gasped.

"Kabir told me you got hit by a girl in some misunderstanding,  So I brought a Ice bag and painkillers for you "  She said looking concerned.

Mom will  be my mom!

"Thanks mom! " I said and laid on my bed.


That's a mom... Who will always he worried seeing her child in pain!

" she is getting married.. You know right.. " She said,  I hummed.

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