Chapter - 10

95 10 6

Third person pov :

Maira took a deep breath and picked up the call.

"Hello? " She spoke.

No response.

"Hello?" She spoke but little loud.

"uhmm...Maira.. " He spoke.

"Ji... " Maira said.

"How are you? " He asked,  this taken her aback.

He is asking about her after a long time!

At least he remembered!

"I am fine like always " She said in a cold tone.

"Hmm" He said,  there was again silence.

"Did you have your dinner? " He asked.

"Hmm.. No.. I will eat.. Uhmm... What about you? " She asked as a formality.

"No.. I will eat later,  thanks for asking" He said,  she hummed.

She was feeling suspicious, as why did he called suddenly after two days.

"So..Maira.. " He said,  she hummed.

"Did you went...out today? " He asked,  she narrowed her eyes.

"Yes... I went..with my friends " She said.

"Actually Bua ji... " He was cut off by Maira.

"I understand your concern now,  she told you that right? " Maira said irritated.

"Maira.. I didn't mean th—"

"OK.. But listen whatever she said, and if you call me just to make me understand then I don't care" Maira said frustrated.

"I just wanted to say.. You can do whatever you want,  but please try to understand,  you are a member of my family,  and.... about.. I know.. already who was the boy for you..before" Aryan said hesitantly.

"You know? " She asked.

"Yes... It is not easy for you to move on,  I understand.. But please try to be only friends with him, don't give any reason to anyone who try to point fingers at you, I won't be able to see anyone talking about ill about my wife......." He said in one breath.

Maira was feeling anger and frustration together, her jaw clenched, but little side was getting soft hearing his support.

Once again there was silence,  it was now getting awkward.

"I need to go,  take care bye" He said,  she hummed, and he hanged up,  she threw the phone on her bed,  and lay down again keeping her one hand on her forehead.

Dhrisha was combing her hairs, when she saw a balloon with a letter.

She burst the balloon and threw the letter,  she knew must have done this.

"Bhaiya!!" she heard a shout out of her house,  she walked to her window and looked out.

"There Bhaiya! " A little boy said,  her eyes widen when she saw Abhinay climbing on a tree and trying to remove the shuttle cock.

She was in shock,  Abhinay removed the shuttle cock, but his balance fell,  she gasped, as her heart raced.

"Bhaiya be careful!!" The kid said  he jumped down,  she sighed in relief.

He looked at her,  his gaze locked with her,  she averted her gaze.

"Thanks Bhaiya!! " The boys said walked away with the shuttle cock.

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