Chapter 40 - End of Time Machine

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People who didn't read the last note.. Read it again... This is the last chapter!!

After reading the chapter don't forget to read the author Note!!

Third person pov

Dhruv stared at her,  who was giggling to herself seeing the tree fallen leaves on her.

He remembered the moment he felt alone, she always found a way to cheer his mood.

He sometimes wished for her when he knew that he wasn't going to see her again.

"Stars!! " She shouted pointing at the sky,  he glanced up.

"One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five.. Six... Seven..Eight.. Nine...ten... Ugh! It's too many!! " She said pouting, he gave a bored look.

"You didn't learn in school,  Stars are uncountable " He said,  she huffed.

"I can count,  if I try! " She said stubbornly, he rolled his eyes.

"Alright,  then you keep trying to count,  I will sleep " He said walking to his car,  she scowled.

He is sleeping for real?!

"You brought me here, so you can  sleep!! " She spoke in disbelief.

"Aaru,  well you are eager to count stars! " He said shrugging.

"Come on,  don't spoil!!" She said dragging him again.

"We should relax for a bit, crazy girl! " He spoke annoyed.

"No!! Come let's dance,  it's my birthday!! " She said,  he glared at her,  she pouted.

"Pleaseeeeeee" She said,  he didn't even move,  she sighed.

It took her so much courage,  to even ask him to dance,  and he ignored her!

Imagine you ask your crush to dance and he ignores you!

She turned around and held the railing tight, the breeze cold, her hair flowing as the wind blows. He glanced at her,  she was sulking.

His gaze fell on some band people,  he whistled as Robu came out.

"Robu fetch my guitar, go " He said,  it barked and walked away.

It gave guitar to him,  he took it and patted his head, only to get a bark from him, with a Robotic grin.

He glanced at her,  she still didn't looked at him,  he sighed,  he coughed,  still no reaction,  he cleared his throat.

"This song is for the birthday girl,  from her favorite one of singers... She is even angry at me... Song dedicated to the girl... Who is like a moon, who spreads light in the darkness. "

She glanced at him,  as he played his guitar, she turned to him as he hummed the music.

She stared at him,  as he sang the song,  she  leaned on the railing,  as she felt relaxed.

Every line he sang,  she felt her heart thumping.

His eyes closed,  that told her that he is singing with his whole heart.

As soon he finished singing,  he opened his eyes to see her leaning her head on her  hand,  staring at him.

"Impressed? " He asked, she smiled.

SECOND CHANCE - The Time Traveller 2 Where stories live. Discover now