Chapter - 32

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Avisha pov :

I never ever felt like this...I felt it...

It was once...It was two years ago..

I thought I have become strong enough to handle but I think I didn't...

I wipe my tears, It's been one week, I am realizing my mistake now.

I shouldn't have behave like this with him.

I can't see him with someone else, It's hurt too much.

I will talk to him and settle everything.

I sniff and wipe my tears again.

"Avisha who made you cry? " The voice said, I turned back to see Dad stood near my door.

Don't tell him Avisha, It was not his fault...

"No one.. " I said closing my eyes.

"Don't lie with me, Avisha tell me the name? " He said sternly.

"None of your business " I said rudely.

"It's my business, everything about you is my business, You are my daughter! " He said sternly.

I shook my head, He will take a impulsive decision, If I told him.

He sat beside me, He cupped my cheek and said softly.

"I am your dad... " He said softly, I stared at him.

He was my hero..

My everything..

He handled me always.. When I fell..

I hugged him, he was stiff but he loosened and stroked my hair.

"I did a big mistake Dad.. " I whispered, he stroked my hair.

" did nothing.. " He said.

He is trying to console me....

I felt safe in my dad arms, he stroked my hair as he whispered softly words.

I don't know when I slept in his arms, I just remember when I woke up, I was sleeping in my bed.

I woke up hearing some noises, I went downstairs to see Dad loading his gun, he looked angry.

I glanced at mom who was saying something to him, Avyansh with a blank expression.

"Avyaan you can't do it, she won't like it! " Mom said.

"I don't care Dhrisha, He made my daughter cry, because of him she is in this state!!"

Did he got to know about it?

But how?

I glanced at Avyansh, who gulped.

He told dad...

"Dad you can't! " I said walking downstairs.

"What did you say? " He spoke disbelief.

"Dad you can't harm him! " I said, he scoffed.

"He had the audacity to make you cry and you are stopping me, I am gonna just warn the f*cker!" He said angrily.

I won't forgive myself if anything happened to him.

"Dad you can't! " I said irritated.

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