Choosing Music Genres

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(AN: This Headcanon May Sound Similar to being "Transgender" But I Think of It more Like picking A Style Then A Gender.) (But If People still Want To interpret This as A Metaphor for Being Trans, That's Completely Fine 👍)

Sometimes Trolls Will Change the type of Troll they identify as. By that I mean that they can be born A Certain type of Troll and then change the type of music they like And the way they dress later on in life. They can Also identify as 2 or more different types of Trolls at once! Like Pop/Rock/Funk As An Example.

For example... Cooper Was Born A Funk Troll, But was Raised as A Pop Troll. He Identifies as Both A Pop Troll and A Funk Troll.

A Quote From TWT:
Cooper: You Don't Have to Be just one thing! I'm Pop And Funk!
Prince D: Or Maybe You're Hip-Hop Like Me!

Note: The Troll Doesn't Necessarily HAVE To Identify as another type of Troll in order to Enjoy A Different Type music or culture. It's Completely up to the individual to decide what kind of Troll they are.

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