My OC Prince Lucky

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Prince Lucky 🍀💜

Troll Breed: Pop/Rock

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 7

Orientation: Asexual

Appearance: He Is Small For His Age. He has Lavender Skin, Glitter Freckles, A Teal Nose, Half Dark Blue, and Half Dark Purple Hair. And Pointy Ears. But his left Ear is Floppy Due to A Birth Defect.

Outfit: He Wears A Leaf Vest Similar to His Grandpa Branch's. (Branch Made It For Him) And Dark Blue Shorts.

About: 👇

Lucky Is The Son Of Princess Rosie And Prince Frisk, And The Grandson Of Poppy And Branch. Lucky Was Forced To Hatch Early After Frisk's Dad Broke into the Royal Pod and Tried To Smash His Egg, Causing It To Fall Out Of The Crib And Crack. He Barely Survived. Thankfully He Is Healthy And Happy Now.

Lucky Is Very Adventurous, Which Sometimes Gets Him into Trouble. He can be A Real Handful for Rosie And Frisk. He Really Looks up to His Grandpa Branch, And Wants To Be A Survivalist Like Him. (He Doesn't Really Understand What That Means 😆)

He Can See In The Dark Like His Father, So He has A Bad habit of Exploring outside At night without his parents knowing. He has some difficulty hearing out of his Floppy Ear. So sometimes you gotta talk loudly for him to hear you.

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