How Do Glitter Farts Work?

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ In This Headcanon I'm going to Explain Glitter Farts In A Scientific Way. And It Might Sound Gross. Just giving you guys A Heads-up.

Glitter/Hip-Hop Trolls Have A Special Gland inside their... "Bootys" That contain glitter. 💨✨ It's called the Sparkle Gland. It's what allows Glitter/Hip-Hop Trolls To Fart Glitter.

It's was originally just An Ability for self defense. Where the Glitter/Hip-Hop Troll will defend itself from predators by spraying Glitter in the predators eyes. (It's Similar To How Skunks Spray to Defend themselves 🦨) But Over Time The Glitter Trolls Learned That They can use Their Glitter For Arts And Crafts. And Also For Entertainment At Parties.

They Have A Limited Amount Of Glitter, And Can Actually Run-Out Of It if They use it too much. Then they Have to wait for their Sparkle Glands to refill before they can Glitter Fart Again.

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