Death Metal Trolls (Made-Up Species)

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Here's Another New Troll Breed That I've Been thinking about for A While...

💀🦇 Death Metal Trolls 🦇💀

Appearance: Death Metal Trolls are A Sub-Species of Rock Troll. But they are VERY Different... They Have Large Bat Wings On Their Backs, And Long Fangs. (They Are Like Vampires🧛🏻) They Always Have Grey Skin And Black Hair. And red Glowing Eyes. Sometimes They will decorate their skin with Metallic Silver face paint. Their clothes are often decorated with bones and ripped black fabric. They will also sometimes have Tattoos and Piercings.

Egg Appearance: Stark Black With Metallic Silver Skull Patterns on them.

Diet: Unlike the other Troll Breeds They Don't NEED To Eat Sweets to Survive. They eat mostly Meat. 🍖 🥩 (From Animals. Don't worry They don't eat other Trolls)

Habitat: They Live in A Secluded Area At The Edge of Volcano Rock City Called "The Skull Yards" A Dark, Foggy Area Full of Animal Bones and Tar Pits. (It's A Bit Like the Elephant Graveyard From The Lion King)

Other Facts: Unlike The Rock Trolls Who are Half Nocturnal. Death Metal Trolls Are Fully Nocturnal and only Party At Night.

They Are Known As The Scariest Troll Breed. Even The Rock Trolls Are Scared Of them. It's Unknown If They Are Good or Evil. Other Trolls Are too afraid to enter the Skull Yards to properly meet them.

They Can Let Out Ear Piercing Screams that can be heard for miles.

They Sleep Hanging Upside Down.

A Group Of Death Metal Trolls Is Called A "Mosh" (Like The Rock Trolls)

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