Branch's Vest

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Branch's Leaf Vest was passed down by each of the brothers. Grandma Rosiepuff originally Gave it to John Dory. She Hand Crafted it herself. JD Wasn't the baggiest Fan of the Vest, He thought it was Itchy and kinda ugly, but he just pretended to like it for his grandma.

When Rosiepuff first gave the Vest to him for his birthday he was like: "Wow, Thanks Grandma! It's... Great?" 😅👍 But the second he got to take it off he was like: "GET THIS THING OFF ME! AHHHH!!!" 😫

So he eventually gave the Vest to Spruce/Bruce, Then Spruce gave it to Clay, Then Clay gave it to Floyd, and Finally, Floyd Gave it to Branch.

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