Sugery Diet

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Based on A Few Headcanons By @prettykitty98561 (They Make Troll Headcanons Too)

"Junk Food" Like Candy, Cake, Cupcakes, And Cookies, Are Actually Considered More "Healthy" For Pop Trolls than fruits and vegetables. A Pop Troll's Body NEEDS A Lot of Sugar and fat intake, or they will get really sick and weak. 🍭🧁🍰🍪🍩🍫🍦

Because Branch Rarely Ate Any Sweets During His Bunker Days, He is really underweight. That's why he can be picked up and tossed into the air so easily. in Trolls 1 When the Bergen Chef Slammed her fist on the table Branch was the only one who got launched into the air.

But don't worry, After getting his happiness back, Branch Started eating A lot more Junk food, So he's much healthier now.

Other Breeds of Trolls need to eat Large Portions of "Junk Food" to be healthy Too. But no where Near As Much As A Pop Troll Does.

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