Dark Fantasy AU Ideas

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(This is just something that I've been thinking about for A while. I probably won't actually go anywhere with it though, It's just fun to think about!)

Imagine A Trolls AU (Alternate Universe) That took place in A More Intense, Dark Fantasy Setting. (By Dark Fantasy I mean something similar to The Legend Of Zelda Games) Where the Trolls have ELEMENTAL Powers Instead Of MUSIC Powers. And they fight evil monsters. And the Bergen Chef And Velvet And Veneer can be Evil Wizards who use dark magic to try and rule the world.

For some reason I Imagine SOME of The Dark Fantasy versions of Trolls Having Tails. Which does sound strange, but it helps distinguish the Dark Fantasy AU Trolls from The Canon Version of the Trolls. (If this makes sense) Plus I think Trolls with tails are A really cute idea! I Always see Fan Art with it. ^^

The Pop Trolls: 🌱

They Would Be Known As The "Forest Trolls" And They Would Have The ability To control plants. Like being able to grow thorny vines out of the ground to attack enemies. They Would also have the ability to heal wounds and minor illnesses. They would probably dress similar to Medieval Elves, And Sometimes use Swords and Bow And Arrows. They have long tails with A Tuft of fur on the end like A Loin.

The Rock Trolls: 🔥

They Would Be Known As The "Fire Trolls" and They have the ability to control fire. They would probably be one of the most powerful Troll Breeds. They would wear Viking Armor And using More "Barbaric" Weapons like Battle Axes and Giant Hammers along with their fire powers. They Would Have Forked Tails Similar To Demons. They Would Be completely fireproof of course.

The Country Trolls: 🪨

They Would Be Known As The "Earth Trolls" And Have The Ability To Control The Ground. Like Causing Earthquakes And Sandstorms, And Making Rock Pillars Grow From The Ground. I Don't Really Know What 'Style' I Want their Clothing To Be. Probably Just Keep The "Western" Style. They Would Use Weapons Like Whips.

The Techno Trolls: 💧

They Would Be Known As The "Water Trolls" (Obviously) And They Would All have the Ability To Control Water Like Synth From TrollsTopia. They Probably Would Wear Some Armor. Like Chests Plates To Protect Their Exposed Pixel-Hearts. As for weapons They Would definitely Use Tridents And Harpoons/Spears.

The Classical Trolls: 🌪️

They Would Be known As The "Wind Trolls" And Have The Ability To Control The Winds. Like Creating Tornadoes and Blowing their Enemies Away. They Would Dress Similar To Kings And Queens Of Fairytales. I'm not sure what they would use for weapons. Their Wings Would have white feathers like Angel Wings.

The Funk Trolls: ⚡️

They Would Be Known As The "Lightning Trolls" And Have The Ability To Control Electricity. They Can Direct Lightning Bolts To Electrocute Their Foes. I Imagine Them Wearing Robes Like Wizards/Sorcerers. As for weapons they Would Probably Just use Wizard Staffs To Better Control the Lightning. Since the Original Funk Trolls are Really Into Science, I can Definitely see them Making Magical Potions To Help Their Allies.

Other Thoughts:

Because They Already Have Elemental Powers and weapons, They probably wouldn't need to use their hair for anything. Except maybe carrying their babies.

They Would Probably Have Live Births instead of laying Eggs. (Because their hair isn't really magic in this version)

I Can See Poppy And Branch Going on Magical Quests to defend the Trolls Kingdoms. And Recruit other Trolls Along the way. (You know... Like A Stereotypical Medieval Fantasy Movie)

Branch Would Probably Be like this "Prophecy" Troll Who "According to legend" will Defeat All The Dark Magic Users. And Poppy would be there to Help Him every step of the way.

What do you guys think of these Ideas?

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