My OCs Sharp And Flat

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AN: I Forgot To Add Them Much Sooner 💀

Sharp 🩷👼

Troll Breed: Classical (But Was Raised As Pop/Country)

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 10

Orientation: Straight

Appearance: He Basically Looks Like A Smaller Adult Classical Troll, But With A Slightly Bigger Head. He Has Pastel Pink Hair. (As An Adult I Imagine Him Having A Big Curly Mustache For Some Reason) 😐

Outfit: None

About: 👇

Sharp Is The Twin Brother Of Flat. They Were Both Adopted By My Country Troll OCs Sunny A Caramel. He Is Very Energetic, Social, And Loves To Play.

He Takes Interest In His Mom's Pop Side, And Is Trying To learn how to Remix Pop Songs and make New Dance Music. 💽 Both Flat And Sharp Are Aware That They Are Classical Trolls. But they more prefer Their Parents Favorite music.

His Carefree Nature Sometimes Gets Him Into Trouble. Thankfully his brother Flat is there to help him.

Flat 🩵👼

Troll Breed: Classical (But Was Raised As Pop/Country)

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 10

Orientation: Demisexual And Pansexual

Appearance: Looks Just Like His Brother Accept His Hair Is Pastel Blue. (And As An Adult He Has A Small Mustache And A Small Goatee) AN: Why Does Facial Hair Look So Funny On Classical Trolls? 💀

Outfit: None

About: 👇

Flat Is The Twin Brother Of Sharp (Obviously) His Like Sharp's Opposite. He's Shy, More Soft Spoken, And Prefers to Stay Inside And Read Books.

He Takes Interest In His Dad's Country Side, And Wants To Play Emotional Soft, Country Music. 🪕

His SHY Nature Can Sometimes Get Him Into Trouble Too. But Like I Said before, The Two Brothers Always Have Each Other's Backs.

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