truth or dare

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Note: this chapter does have shipping. If you don't like my ships that's ok! I respect your opinion and your opinion matters!

The episode starts with siara, jenny wakeman, Ronnie Ann, Lincoln loud, blossom and brick in the living room bored and not knowing what to do.

Siara: hey guys! I have an idea! What if we play truth or dare!

Blossom, jenny wakeman, Ronnie Ann, Lincoln loud, and brick: sure! that would be fun!

Siara: ok! Jenny wakeman, truth or dare?

Jenny wakeman: hmm... Truth!

Siara: all right! Jenny have you ever had a crush before?

Jenny wakeman: well i do have a lot of crush's before but Sheldon is the hottest one of all!

Siara: wow! That's a lot of crush's!

Siara: anyways... Lincoln truth or dare?

Lincoln: dare!

Siara: ok! I Dare you to Eat the expired lettuce!

Lincoln: o-ok!

Lincoln goes to the kitchen and gets the expired lettuce and then eats the expired lettuce

Lincoln: (cough) (cough) ew! That disgusting! I'm never eating expired food ever again!

Siara: all right! Ronnie ann truth or dare?

Ronnie Ann: truth!

Siara: ok! Ronnie Ann do you like Lincoln as a friend or a lover

Ronnie Ann: um... I... Like him as friend!

Siara: you definitely have crush on him!

Siara: blossom truth or dare?

Blossom: dare!

Siara: all right! I dare you to kiss brick!

Blossom and brick: what!?

Blossom: (sigh) fine..

Blossom and brick kiss in front of siara, Jenny wakeman, Ronnie Ann, and Lincoln loud

Blossom: i-i actually liked that!

Brick: me too!

Siara: well sometimes truth or dare can show love or can be just fun!

The end

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