the galaxy adventure part 4 (the final part of the galaxy adventure)

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black hole: HAHAHA!! it's me! The evil, scary... Black hole!! I came here to destroy your party!! HAHAHA!!!

siara: oh no! What Are we gonna do!?

Mina: we need to destroy her or else she will ruin the party!

Siara: I guess I have to battle her!

Mina: wait! Wear my necklace! It's very powerful!

Siara: thanks!

Siara: hey you!

Black hole: huh?

Siara: yeah you! I challenge you to a battle!

Black hole: well.. Challenge accepted!

Black hole summons her evil sword

Siara summons her magic sword

Siara: wait.. What does this button do..

Siara click the button and a magic beam fly's out hitting black holes eye

Black hole: ow! Oh your so done!

Black hole then fires a beam from her sword at siara cause it to hit siara's arm

Siara: ouch! Hold on what does this heart shaped button do?

Siara click on the button and transfroms into a magical star fairy.
Siara: wow! I look.. Cool!

Siara: and now time for you to be destroyed!

Siara uses the magic sword and uses all powers to defeat black hole

Black hole: wait nooooo!!!-

Black hole lost the battle

Black hole: I'll get you next time!!

Black hole snaps her fingers and disappeared

Everyone: hooray you saved us!

Siara: no problem! And besides, Mina also helped by giving me the necklace!
Mina: aw! Thank you!

Siara: here's your necklace back!

Siara: also we have to go back to are universe.. Well it was nice meeting you!

Mina: it's was nice meeting you too!

Siara: I hope we see each other again!

Mina: I hope too!

Siara, choo choo cherry, puffball, Lincoln loud, and milky Way go back to there universe by the portal

Lisa loud: everyone's back! But are you guys all right!?

Siara: don't worry were ok! We had the most craziest adventure! Meet a girl named mina, We went to a party, and deflated black hole!

Lisa loud: well I'm glad you guys are ok!

The end

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