the april fools scare!

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the episode starts with siara laying in bed then loud screaming is heard

siara: agh! why is everyone screaming!?

four: shh! didn't you heard? bad apple and luan are going to the baddest pranks!

siara: what?

choo choo cherry: i think it safe to go out

everyone walks out the door but a bucket of paint falls and splats on everyone. everyone screams

bad apple and luan: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

minutes later.....

ami omuki: i think they stopped....

luan: hey everyone!! this snow ball gun is best to make freeze!!

everyone: AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!

luan starts shooting the snow ball gun.

everyone went outside and closed the door

siara: everyone hide!!!!

everyone starts hiding but bad apple comes out of nowhere

bad apple: oh guys!! do you like spiders!

everyone starts screaming went the spiders start coming to them

a few minutes later lola starts to cry because she hates getting pranked then everyone starts to cry

lola crys so loud luan and bad apple hear and think it a ghost and get scared

everyone comes back the house and find bad apple and luan gone and everyone is happy

the end

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