the power outage

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The episode starts with siara sitting on couch while loud thunder is heard

Siara: (sigh) when will this storm end?...

Then the power goes out and everyone starts to scream

Lori loud: why is power out!?!?

Siara: Lori calm down, it's just a power outage.

siara: we have to go to the basement to turn on electrical panel

Siara gets a flashlight and siara and everyone gets to the basement door

Bloo: move siara, I can do this!

Bloo See's the basement and got scared because it to dark

Bloo: um... Never mind, siara you go!

Siara and everyone go's to the basement

Goofy grape: wait.. What's that!?!?

Siara See's a body that looks like a ghost

Siara: it's a ghost!!!

Siara and everyone starts to scream

Yumi yoshimura: (presses a electrial panel button) wait.. Dude that's a pile clothes

Siara: (phew) though that's was a ghost!

Siara: and the storm is gone! Woo hoo!

The end

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