the galaxy adventure part 3

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siara, puffball, Lincoln loud, choo choo cherry, milky way and mina get to the party.

siara: this looks awesome!!!!

then teenage dream by katy perry starts to play

mina: (gasps) my favorite song is playing!! yay!!!

milky way: well come on! lets dance!!!

lincoln loud: well.. im not great at dancing..

siara: dont worry! just try your best and your get into it!

lincoln loud: ok!

siara and everyone starts to dance

mina: this is the best of my life!!

but the evil black hole comes out of nowhere

milky way stops dances and starts to get scared

milky way: um.. y-you guys..

siara: what?

milky way: look!!

everyone scared because of black hole

siara: oh no..

to be continued..

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