the galaxy adventure part 2

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Everyone then lands of colorful stars

Choo choo cherry: where are we?..

Milky Way: I think we are in the unknown galaxy..

Siara: wow.. It looks fun!

Puffball: and look! There's a magical planet!

Mina: hello?..

Lincoln loud: who's that's?

Mina: I'm Mina.. I'm one of the Guardians here.. But I'm still in training..

Siara: well it's nice to meet you Mina! I'm siara, that's milky way, that's choo choo cherry, that's puffball, and that's Lincoln!

Mina: wow! That's a lot of people!

Mina: also there's a part happening in 10 minutes! Wanna join?

Siara: of course! Come on guys let's go!

Choo choo cherry: all right!

Puffball: this is going to be fun!

Milky Way: I love partys!

Lincoln loud: guys! Wait for me!

To be continued..

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