wish girl

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There once was a girl named Amelia and she wished that she could help her best friend with things and be there with her and help with the guy problem that she has been having with ass-hole guys that have been going after her and telling her to want to do and making her life a living hell. It had got to the point that Amelia had to beat the crap out of someone to protect her best friend and save her life. When it came to it she would always look out for her best friend and herself but most of all she would always end up pulling her friend off someone because she would always try to make sure that no one hurt her best friend.

but Amelia wishes her best friend Rose had more time to fight things with her because the sad thing is the fact that Rose was sick. It did not look like she was going to get better anytime soon because Rose had cancer. She was not getting better she was getting a lot more worse to the point where Amelia would have to say goodbye to her and try to move on with her life and that would be had because Amelia and Rose were two pees in a pod that could not be taken apart from one other and that is what made them last this long in their life.

in fact, Amelia would always go with Rose to her doctor appointments because she did not want Rose to be by herself and a bad time in her life. Their family was always ok with it because that meant that Rose was never alone. She always had someone to help her and be with her all the time to the point. wherever Rose went to the hospital Amelia would go with her and not leave her slide because Rose and Amelia were not just two peeing a pod they were joined at the hip.

so when Rose got good or bad news Amelia was there to help her with everything that she needed help with and not to let her go through the plain that she was going to have to deal with being diagnosed with cancer and having to find out what kind of cancer that she had and a way to fight it so she could go back to having fun once again with her Friends and family that she love being with. when the day came to find out what cancer she had Amelia was there with her and when the Doctor said that it was leukaemia Amelia just hug Rose and told her to cry it out then we can kick it ass.

So that is what she did and when it came to Rose fighting it she end up kicking cancer ass and they even had a party about it that she was home and that she kick cancer ass.

The end

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