bossing her

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Emma did not have a great day at school again she even got hit and kicked and when she got to her after-school job her boss thought that he could get away with her and she would not say a thing about it and if she did no one would believe her because everyone around her used her like she was nothing so the boss of her after school job told her to go in the back and get a bag of cups when the boss told the other working with Emma that was work with her to stay and stay Focus on the Front of the shop and not to worry about the back of the shop and not to come in the back of the shop or he would lose his job and he would make him pay. so the boss when in the back where Emma was and he lock the door behind him and took advantage of her over and over then when he was done he told Emma to get her things and go. 

so that is what she did she got all her things and ran out of there like there was no tomorrow and she did not look back but when she thought she had away from him for good she was on her way back from school and she was just about to go down the street that she goes down to get home she saw him and she wants to run and screaming for help but she could not because he hit her on the head and out her in her car and took her to a place where no one could hear and he took advantage of her over and over for months then years. but that was not the only thing that he did he would hit her and kick her and he would put his hands around her throat and hurt her and he even did it when he was taking advantage of her. 

but he was going to get what was coming to him when the guy that Emma had been working with before everything had happened to her he coming and save her got her to save place and told the police everything and even told the police his name which was ed and he did not want to let his ass of a boss get away with what he was doing to Emma. Emma did end up thank ed for them their help but when she got home and had a fight with her mum about everything she did not want to live any longer especially when she found out that she was pregnant by the guy who hurt her and Emma's mother did not like it that she was with child and try to make her get rid of it because Emma's mother did not want her and now that emma was pregnant she knew that Emma was going to need more things and she did not want that.  so Emma's mother made a writer a note and then she was planning to kill Emma but she did not know that had made the note and sent another note to the police saying her mother killed her and helped her boss do the things to her and did nothing to save her and sent proof of evidence with the note. 

you push me around like I am not even a normal person and you act like you don't even know me and what is worse is that you treat me like I am not even your own kid when in fact is that you gave up on years ago when I was still in my first year of high school and you did not even help me when I need the help with everyone bullying and pushing me around, including the teachers.  but what made me even more sad was that when I tried to get help with school you said that you were too busy to help me with my learning and when I tried to tell you that I was getting bullied at school, you did nothing to help me and nothing to help me with my School work you just leave me behind because of you doing that I suffered more than a kid shoulder suffer at a young age.  now that I have more on you want to make pay for just being alive all I can say to that is just wow how can a woman not even love her own kid and be an ass to her just because she is alive and not like her other bother well to that goodbye not going to let you get away with using me like a hitting bag I can just one up on you and kill myself before you can get to me to kill the last part of me.

so when Emma's mother killed her Emma got her revenge on her mother and she was lying to rest in peace and she got to go knowing that her that her mother would surely get what was coming to her and she would not have to worry about a thing now 

the end 

p.s so sorry this one is a lot sad and has a lot of things in it but more stories should be coming out soon or later I am trying to get some more stories out for you guys.

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