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when you are little no one tells you that when things get bad you are going to get things coming at you left and right but the sad thing is when you have to go through things that it makes it harder for you to live and then you find someone to help you through things and you don't know how to live without them. but then they die on you and you don't know how to go on without them in your life and you start to get depressed and you start to hurt yourself because you don't want to live without them in your life and you start to take things that you not meant to and do stupid things that can cause more pain and that is not a good thing when you are always doing it and hurting everyone around you just because you are in pain and you don't want to deal with things. 

but then when you start something new and you start to get better and things start to look up for you and you start to well in your life and you don't know what to do and you want to do more than just set on your ass and do nothing. but in your mind, you have the thoughts and then you have the bad ones that tell you that no one loves you and that you are never going to be anything and that you are nothing and you will never be someone. but the thing is that you have to listen to the good thoughts and not the bad ones and even though it is hard to listen to the good voices in your head telling you that you're better than that and you, I'm going to get your dreams come true. 

well that is what Violet Willow finds out because she did not get the happy ending that she was meant to have when she was sixteen years old when her where big bother died from fighting in the war and then she lost her sister two weeks after she went back to her unit in the Army and then her baby brother got sick and then after two her baby bother ten birthday he passes away from leukemia then not to long after that her mother was on her way home from work when she was hit by a drunk driver and killed and then a year after 21st that her dad passed away from a drunk driver and it was on the same street her mother was killed on too when she was in Primary School. 

but the sad bit is that she had to go through college by herself and when she went to marry her long-time boyfriend who became her fiancé two years after she graduated from college and then went on to do her PhD and after she got her PhD she got married to her fiancé who had become her husband. but two years after they had their three kid her husband and her kids were on their way back from the movies when they got hit by a car who was speeding and the driver was drunk and caused a big crash killed a lot of people that die not just violets family but six other families were impacted by it. years later she finally got back on her feet and did a lot of good things and she even did some artwork that went for a lot of money and raised awareness to stop people speeding and drunk drivers from killing more people on the road and for cancer awareness. but sadly when Violet was on her way home just after she had seen her last patient of the evening at the hospital where she worked she had just turned the corner to go get some food before she went home. 

but sadly she never made it back home because when she was driving to get some food for her an idiot driver hit her dead on and she did not make it out alive and sadly passed away before the ambulance and rescue could get there and she said leave passed away by herself. They got to see all her love and again in heaven.

the end 

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