Dreams fade

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Sarah lay in bed, blinking away the remnants of a dream that had already begun to fade from her memory. She tried to grasp at the details, the feelings, the images that had danced through her mind just moments before, but they slipped through her fingers like sand. All she could remember was a feeling of warmth and contentment, but even that was quickly slipping away.

She sighed and rolled over, reaching for her phone on the bedside table. As she scrolled through her social media feed, she couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. She had always been a dreamer, and lately it seemed like her dreams were slipping further and further from her grasp.

Once, she had dreamed of becoming a successful artist, traveling the world and sharing her work with others. But reality had a way of crushing dreams, and she found herself stuck in a mundane 9-5 job that sapped her creativity and left her feeling unfulfilled.

As she lay there, scrolling through perfect pictures of other people living their dreams, she couldn't help but feel envious. Where had her own dreams gone? Why did they seem to fade further and further from her reach with each passing day?

But then, as she continued to lay in bed, something shifted within her. She realized that she couldn't keep waiting for her dreams to come true. She had to take matters into her own hands, to make something happen for herself.

So, she turned off her phone and swung her legs over the side of the bed, feeling a flicker of determination ignite within her. She couldn't let her dreams fade away. She had to fight for them, to make them a reality, no matter how difficult it might be.

With renewed purpose, Sarah set out to chase her dreams. It wasn't easy, and there were plenty of setbacks and obstacles along the way. But with each step forward, she felt her dreams growing stronger, no longer fading away into the distance.

And in the end, she realized that dreams don't have to fade. They can be chased, nurtured, and brought to life. And as she stood on the precipice of the life she had always dreamed of, she knew that every moment of struggle had been worth it.

the end 

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