chapter seventeenth

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Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

"What does it mean when someone says, 'Have you sworn off love forever, or do I still have a chance to show you what it truly means to fall in love with the right person?"" I asked as I finished my plate.

Rell and Daja looked at each other then back to me in confusion.

"What? In what type of context?" Daja asked carefully.

"Let's go with the context of reassurance, or wait. Someone just casually responding with that after finding out that someone else got cheated on with her brother" I said sarcastically while I started to look down.

Rell stared at me with his eyebrows raised then got up from the table.

"Aww hell, we finna need the henny for this" He took the plates and went into the house.

"Explain please" Daja said as she started to cover the leftover food.

I sighed and tried to find a comfortable position because I knew we were about to dissect this like it was one of my clients.

"I told Joliè about Drew and Rylee because I had to explain who they were, since Drew was causing a whole ass scene in the damn parking lot. I told her that if she has any questions, there's a chance I could answer them"

"There's a chance you could answer them?" Who are you Oprah?" Daja mocked.

"I had seen the woman twice and spoken to her three times, chill. I wasn't gonna say just anything to her" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Anyways, she said she only had one question to ask me, then asked me that. I have so many things to ask about that one question"

"Well what'd you say back?"

"I told her that I felt an attraction to her, but that I was smart enough not to entertain anything revolving around relationships right now"

"You.. You did not fuckin' say that to her did you, like actually?" Daja asked me, horrified at my declaration.

"Yeah I did, look just because I think she's pretty doesn't mean anything. It's not going anywhere" I stated indifferently.

Daja smacked me upside of my head and shook her head.

"Are you stupid Ashton? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Owwe! What the hell!"

"Ashton she told you she liked you! That she wants to fall in love with you too! Are you fuckin' dumb?!" Daja exclaimed as she frantically threw her arms around, her southern drawl coming out the more excited she got.

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