Stone Cold, part 3 (omg)

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- It all started back in the village I grew up in. - started Mevrik. Both he and Zachary were looking straight (ÉN LÁTOD HIDEG VAGYOK, NEM MELEG, FÉRFIZÉ NŐ VAGYOK, FÉRFIVAL ÁLLOK ÖSSZE, HÁT HOGYAN LEHET AZTAT SZERETNI MÓUNIKA AMIKOR KOLBÁSZ CSÜNG ALATTA HÁT AZ ARCODRÚ NEM SÜL LE A BŰR KISFIJAM OSZT IZÉ ÍGY CSINÁLNI *KÖRBEÍRHATATLAN GRIMASZOLÁSOK ARANKÁTÓL* ÍGY CSINÁL A MELEG MEGSZÉGYELLHETED MAGAD FIJAM LEHET HOGY SÜKET VAGYOK DE MÉGSE VAGYOK BUZI ) forward, onto the deep embrace of the snowy forest. At any given time, this dark, and freezing place would surely give nightmares to anyone who dares to even gaze upon it. For them, it was comforting of some sort. Quiet, and calm; things they long desired. Mevrik continued:
- We were living in kind of a commune, me and some other fairies. T'was kinda nice, you know, a little village, everyone wearing the same beautiful name. - he let out a small, but comfy sigh, signing that he is, indeed, now remembering the 'good old times', then he progressed:
- And... yeah. - he did a small pause. He wasn't sure at first, how to progress farther...
- People do shitty things, and I'm no exception. But I guess you have your opinion on that already, I'm not here to deny things, I'm just... my family did bad things as well. And if I don't get those souls, if I don't get to where I'm headed, if I don't protect Pupo, I... I will feel the consequences. - said Mevrik, as he slightly slid down his shirt at his shoulder. Zachary noticed this at the cornes of his eye, and turned his head to look towards that direction. On Mevrik's shoulder, were strange, uncanny markings, very sligthly emitting light from them, but it could be a trickery of the Moon. They seemingly were incomprehensible to Zachary. The ranger maintained silence, as the bard continued:
- It's like I'm in a debt. I need to settle these, or I'm fucked. - said, as he pointed at the markings. - And not just me; all the people I knew. I do not ask for forgiveness. Just for understanding. Maybe. Sort of. I do feel remorse, I just have no choice. - thus, he stopped. This was followed by a long (10 seconds lol) silence.
- I would lie if I said I do not know that feeling. - broke it Zachary. - Even now, I am in a situation where I could hurt someone. Why do you think I sent Szurka to obtain infos about my mother, if I know it likely will end bad? - he paused for a second, to look at Mevrik properly, in the eyes. - He at least has a chance of survival. If I would take the other... someone would surely die. If you want another choice, sometimes time will present it to you. 
- I do not have the luxury of waiting. - replied Mevrik. This was followed by another long (this time 11,39 seconds omg) silence. 

[If we think about it, this is the first time these 2 knucleheads had a normal conversation. Kinda gay, if you ask me.]

- Guess I should go. - said Mevrik, and thus, he jumped down from the wall.
- Then go. - replied Zachary, with a monotone voice. 
None of them looked at the other. Only footsteps remained.

[Then Mevrik went away and he had a talk with Gaylord and Sevrik and he teleported and Gaylord is sad now and sheeet and Sevrik wants to kill Vazdur (vágjátok akik FELÁLLT XDDDD 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 de ezt kajra így mondta a DM hogy "Vazdur felállt" 😂🤣😂🤣 LOOOOOOOOOOOL teso vágjátok mint egy bizonyos testrésze a férfiaknak 😳😳😳😳 ami néha szintél FELÁLL 😏😏😏😏 XDDDDDD) and the temple in the village is cursed and shit yeah so back on track with the melodramantino 'la fanficio de romcomados:]

- Scarlett... (👉👈) - said Zachary, as the two of them , whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es (milyen egy fasz nyelv ez az angol geci xdddd) did not realize they left Tia behind, were walking back to the village. The sound of the gentle wind, the lousy crickets, Jeremy swiftly flying above, the evergrowing trees, and the pale-white snow under their feet, all merged into a melody. A melody, they soon won't forget...
- Yes? - replied Scarlett, but she did not stop in her way. This day was just too much for her; for everyone. The only thing she wanted now, was to get back to the village, and get some sleep. Some me-time, to think. 
- I don't know what happened back in the village. I... I lost it, I admit. But I wasn't in control, you probaly saw that. And I have no asnwer for what was it, at least yet. The only thing I know, is that I wouldn't hurt any of you. I'm sorry for this, and for not telling about my mother watching me. But I can promise to you... - suddenly, Zachary got entangled by a strange feeling. It started in his stomach, and quickly made it to every inch of his body, carrying warmness, and determination. He stepped in front of Scarlett, stopping her along the way. At the same time, he also grabbed her hands (😳😱🥺🤩😵🥵), as Scarlett gazed up upon him. As Zachary wasn't truly himself while cursing at Mevrik before; he wasn't truly himself here, either. But somehow, for him, it felt like he has finally found his true self:
- ...if I can do anything to protect the others... and to protect you, I will. - thw two then shared silence, under the guiding light of the Moon. But this time, it was not uncomfortable. They were gazing upon the other, both illuminated by the night, stars, and each other mirroring in their eyes. Then, suddenly...
- GUYS DID YOU SAW THAT THING IN THE TEMPLE, HOOOOLY SHIT!!! - ...Tia came up to them running. They quickly let go of the other's hand, and looked away as well. Too late, as it seems:
- Did I disrupt someth...
- No. - replied Zachary and Scarlett in unison. 
The three continued their way back, in the quiet night.
The night, that will remember.
So will they...

[17 fejezet után egy actually TALÁN romantikus részlet? WOW! 🤯🤯🤯]


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