Little!angel dust Cg!Alastor

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(ignore the spelling)

Pov: Angel

(talking; "words")

(actions: walks into a room)

(thoughts; 'thinking about deez nuts')


As Angel walks into the hotel, his head is fuzzy and hurts. 'hating having working and pushing back regression' angel rolls his eyes as he thinks. Angel runs into someone, while thinking about that. After Angel realizes he hit something, someone "Shit sorry" Angel says not realizing it was Alastor "it's quite alright Angel" Alastor says, watching angels movement "Angel? Are you okay," Alastor says with his usual smile.

Angel steps back a little "yeah, i'm fine smiles" Angel says lying, his regression pushing down on him and making it hard to concentrate on what Alastor is saying. Angel feels a hand on his shoulder he flinches at the touch.

Alastors pov:

As I talk to Angel, I realize he isn't listening to me, I place my hand on his shoulder. I feel angel flinching at my touch, I immediately remove my hand from his shoulder. "Angel? Are you sure you're okay?" Alastor isn't one to worry about Angel but he seems really messed up and out of it. Alastor sees a small tiny tear fall down Angel's cheek. I feel angel push past me and down the hall into his room.

Pov; angel

Angel walked as quickly as he could to his room. He shuts and sits against the door, quiet tears rolling down his face. His regression coming down on him. He's now regressed and wanting comfort and a nice cup of cran apple juice. He feels Fat nuggets climb up into his lap "nuggwts?" Angel says feeling nuggets wet and soft nose against his palm. He giggles at it, his tears now dried and forgotten. Angel gets up, holding nugget in his arms, he walks to his messy bed and sits on it. He opens his bedside table, a light pink paci that's not decorated. He puts the paci in his mouth and quietly begins to suck it, happily. He pulls out his phone and puts on some kids cartoons. As he watches the cartoons, his door opens but he doesn't hear it. He feels a hand on his shoulder. He flinches and begins to cry again.

Pov; Alastor

I see angel cuddled up on his bed as I enter his room. I walk over and touch his shoulder and he flinches again, and begins to cry again. I begin to think about Charlie's age regression that when it hits me, he's a little. I see the light pink paci, now on the bed. I gently picked it up. Putting it in his mouth. Angel stops crying somewhat, now gently sucking on the paci. Alastor gently gets into the bed next to Angel, Angel immediately cuddles up to alastor. Smiling happily.

(i got lazy and gave up -w-)

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