Little!Vaggie and CG! Charlie

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I cant remember if someone requested this but if you did here you go!! :D

sorry if its long-

Little: Veggie


Pet name: Sweetie, love, darling,

Plot: Veggie wakes up little and has a little day with her caregiver/girlfriend


Pov: Veggie

I woke up, snuggled up to my girlfriend/caregiver. I snuggle closer, I feel her smile and kiss the top of my head. We lay there for a little, but my tummy begins to rubble "mama? M hungwy" i say, sitting up. I feel charlie sit up, getting up from the bed, i follow her

Pov Charlie

I get up, stretching and yawning. "Okay Love, how old are you?" I ask, picking up Vaggie, placing her on my hip. She puts up 2 fingers, "Two, wow such a small little girl today!" I say, placing a kiss on her forehead, she smiles, cuddling up to my chest. I walk over to our shared closet, opening it. I grab Vaggie, a light purple owl onesie, and a hoodie for me. I changed vaggie, quickly to avoid a meltdown. I put on the hoodie and quickly walked out of our shared room with Vaggie on my left hip again. I walk to the kitchen, I put Vaggie in one of the highchairs we have for the littles, and I grab a sippy cup. "Sweetie? What do you want to eat?" I ask, and hear Veggie says, waffles happily and she begins to babble. I pour juice into her sippy cup, with a smile handing it to her. I walk to the fridge and grab out 4 waffles, 2 for me and 2 for her even tho she only ever eats 1 but she'll get upset if I only give her one. I begin to make the waffles.

Time skip after they eat (i'm lazy TwT)

Pov: Vaggie

I'm laying on the floor, playing with my toys babbling again. As Charlie watches me as she cleans a little. I want her to play with me, I begin to make grabby hands at her but she just continues to clean. I got upset, so I threw down the toy I was playing with. She stops cleaning and looks at me, I throw one of my stuffys at her face, it hits her face. The stuffy falls and I begin to run away. Knowing I would get a time out. I ran up the stairs, which I had a hard time getting but I hid in a closet in one of the many empty rooms.

Pov: Charlies

I run after Vaggie but I trip on one of the stairs. I get up running to find her but I can't find her. I look in our room, Angel's, Husk, Nifty, and i can't find her. I called out her name a few times, no answer. I begin to look in the empty room. I found her, in one of the closets. She sees me and begins to cry. "Darling, it's okay mama not mad" I say, picking her out of the closet. I sit on the bed, holding her against my chest. "Now, darling? Mind telling me why you threw dino?" I ask. I hear her mumble something. "Sweetie, I can't hear you" I say. As she says it again. "..ou were clewing and not pawing attwnion to m" She say, as more tears wet the front of my shirt. "Oh, Darling you could have told me and not throwed dino at me, next time ask mama instead of throwing toys. But you still need to have a 5 minute timeout" Vaggie just nods yes, i stand up placing her on my hip. We walk down stairs, and into the louch room. I placed her on one of the couches, "okay, now stay here Sweetie." I say, walking away to continue to clean.

After 5 minutes

Pov: none

Charile walks back into the room, Vaggie is asleep on the couch. Charlie smiled, picking her up and walking to their room. Charlie lays Vaggie in the bed and lays next to her.  Soon both of them are Cuddled up and Asleep 

The End

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