Cg!Angel Cg! Husk Little!Nifty

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Little: Niffy

Caregiver: Angel and husk

Pet names: sweetie, lovebug, Nif

Plot; This takes place when nifty is drunk in ep 6 but somethings change(the scene with val never happened)


Pov; none

Niffy runs around cleaning things,putting up glasses. Angel chasing after her, pushing past people. He find her at a cleaning closet stealing cleaning supplies. Angel pits her up, yelling at her about stealing cleaning supplies, and being a mess which lets to nifty crying

Pov; angels

"'God Nif why are you such a mess!?" Angel says out of frustration. Nifty begins to cry, he begins to try and calm her down by hugging her. "Wanna play with the kitty?" he says as she calms down, he walk over and she crawls onto husks head, "What the fuvk?" Ask husk "Shes drunk and little" Angel says, walking over to tell cherri bomb he, Niffy and Husk are leaving.

Time skip to when they get to the hotel

Pov; Angel

Niffy is asleep in my arms. She fell asleep a little after we left the club. Husk is walking a little ahead of me, he opens the door to the hotel we walk in. I walk to Niffys room, grabbing a diaper and a purple paci. I quickly change nifty, and put a onsie on her, and then I lay her in her bed, kissing her head(PLATONIC) "goodnight lovebug" Angel says, and then walking out, i walked over to the bar where husk is. "She gotta have really bad hangover tomorrow" i say, signing "Yeah, I know." He replies, with a smirk.

POv; none

"Im headed to bed, if u wanna join u can" Angel says, walking to his room. Husk follows a little bit afterwards, cuddling up to angel.

The End!(i got lazy and and wrote this during clas when i should have been working TwT)

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