little vox caregiver val

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Little: Vox

Caregiver: Valentino

Pet names: Dear, Voxxy, Darlin

Plot: Vox hasn't slept in days, and Val gets worried for his boyfriend and makes him regress when tho he doesnt want too(he does 100%)


POV: Val

It's been days since vox was actually in bed with me at night. It's the fourth time he's done this. I sit up, moving the thick blanket off of me. I get out of bed, grabbing my robe and putting it on as I walk out of our room. I walk out of the room, and down the halls to the Vox office area. I knock, not getting anything. So I walk in, I see vox working aka spying in Alastor and the hotel again.

"Vox." I say, placing a hand on his shoulder making him jump. "Yea?" Vox mumbled half awake. "Come to bed, darling~" I say, placing my hands on his shoulder then leaning on it. He rolls his eyes, going back to work. "No, Val. I'm busy right now." He says, i roll my eyes. Moving to the other side of this chair, scooping him up. "Val. What the FUCK" vox yells, i put my hand over his mouth as i walk out of his office and down down the halls to our room.

I open the door, closing it before placing vox down on the bed. "Voxxyyyy, you can be mad at daddy for wanting to out his baby to bed" *I say, teasing him. As i grab pjs for him.

POV: vox

I roll my eyes, ignoring him as he grabs my clothes. I see him grab my little clothes. "Val. i'm not little." I say, getting up and grabbing my clothes out of his hands before putting them back and grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He shoffs and walks back over before grabbing waist, leaning his head against my shoulder before licking my neck "fuckign kinky ass" i mumble rolling my eyes, as i tak of my suit and putting on the pjs, he squeezes my hips. I walk away from him and going over to the bed, plotting down on it. And he flows,, taking off his robe and holding my paci. I get into bed, and he joins me. Kissing up my neck, as he puts the paci in my face. "Here you go dear~" he says as i just put it in my mouth, actually feeling little but not wanting to tell him. I cuddles up to me, i roll over cuddling up against his chest, he kisses my head "i told youu, Voxxy" he says, kissing mu head be fore stay with me till i feel asleep

The End,

Sorrys i wanted to posted this but i feel like caregiver val and little vox isnt written enough(?) 


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