Little: Lute CG: Adam

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I can't remember if I wrote this for someone or not TwT so if I did here you go-

Little: Lute

Caregiver: Adam

Pet names: dear, baby, baby girl

Plot; Lute represses her regression and Adam helps her slip into little space


POV: Adam

I knocked on lute's door, worried about her. I haven't seen her regress in about a month or so. As the door opens, lute is standing there and she looks to be half asleep. "Hey, danger tits. I need to talk to you about something. "Can I come in?" I say, half smiling at her. "Come in" She says, walks away letting me in, I follow her. Closing her door, when I walk in. "hey, i have a question," I say, as she sits on her bed looking at me.

"What is it?" She asks as I sit at the foot of her bed "when was the last time your were little?" i say looking at her with a worried face. She just looks at the bed under her. "Baby? Come here" I say, opening my arms, she crawls over to me, and into my lap. She hugs me tightly. I hug her back, kissing the top of her head. I heard her mumble something but I couldn't hear it. "What was that baby?" i say, as she's leans off of my chest. ".. two monfhs" she says, slurring her words trying no to let her tears flow

"Oh baby, you should've came to me!" I say, sounding worried, as wiping away her tears. With a gentle kiss to the top of her head. She just leans against me, and gently signs. I run my fingers through her hair, rubbing her back as we cuddle, after a little I feel her sit up. She crawls off of my lap and to her bedside table, opening she pulls out her pacifier which is a grayish white color and says angel on it, she pops it in her mouth. I smile.

"Baby, do you wanna do? And how old are you?" I say, standing up. She puts up 4 fingers and walks over to her toybox, which has been tough in two months. She opens it putting out her barbies and toys, I smile sitting on the floor waiting for her to get all of her toys out. After a little while she joins me on the floor, she begins to play with some mlp fingers i got her a couple months ago. I grab my phone, snapping a pic before joining her in playing.

(time skip)

I'm standing in the kitchen, making dino nuggets. I can hear lute humming the tone of the cartoon's theme song which was adventure time. I smile ,"she's so cute" I think as i pull the nuggets out of the oven, i put them on a plate, "baby girl, you want ketchup or bbq?!" I ask, as I hear her run into the kitchen. "Kwtchup!'' She says, holding her sippy cup. I place her plate on the table, after putting ketchup on it, before picking her up and putting her in the chair. "Hey, does your sippy need filled up?'' I asked, I grabbed the cran apple juice from the fridge. I walk to her, taking the lid off of her cup and pouring the juice into it as she eats her food. I put the juice back into the fridge, before joining her at the table.

I wait for her to get done eating, looking at my phone every now and then. I look at her as she finishes her food. I smile, standing up, grabbing the plate and putting it in the sink. I see her run back into the living room, I follow her. She sits back down on the couch grabbing her paci, putting it in before the cartoon continues.

I sit next to her, her cuddling up to my side. He smiles behind the paci. I kiss the top of her head. Seh yawns, cuddling up, falling asleep, I wrap my arms around her, letting her sleep. I yawn too, falling asleep

The end


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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