Little: Vaggie CG; Charlie

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Hey, im back request are open again if i didnt get your before i when on break ut them here and ill do them!

TW? crying, nightmare-ish

Little: Vaggie

Caregiver: Charlie

Pet names: Sweetie, darling, love

Plot: Vaggie wakes up from a nightmare from about her past, and wakes up her mama and get comfort


POV none (vaggies dream)

I'm running away from the pack of angels behind me. I'm wearing my old exterminator clothing. I hear the crying from the small demon thingy in front of me. I feel the angel stabbing my eye out and pulling off my wings with a hard pull. I feel the pain of the angel stabbing out my eye and ripping my wing off again for the fourth time..

Pov vaggie

I shot up, shaking and now sobbing. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I jump at the touch. I begin to sob louder things. It was the angel who had put me in hell. I feel the hand rubbing my shoulder, I finally pull my eyes away from the blanket, I see Charlie sitting there with comfort in her eyes. I jumped into her. I begin to sob into her shoulder. She just rubs my back and whispers good for nothing things into my ears.

POV Charlie

I wake up, feeling my girlfriend shot up and hearing her uneven breathing. I rub my eyes, before placing my hand on her shoulder. I feel her jump at the touch, I just rub his shoulder till she looks at me. After a little she pulls her eyes away to look at me. She took one look and jumped into my lap, i held her close, kissing her forehead and whispering good for nothing and comforting her. After a little she's calm, gentlying playing with my hair. I look at her over my shoulder, i see her sucking on her bottom lip. I grab her pacifier from under the blanket.

"Baby, no bad" i say handing her the pacifier, she stops and takes the pacifier into her mouth, still trying to braid my hair, i smile knowing shes okay now

The End<3

words: 348

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