CG!Husk and Little!Angel

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Heres your request!1!! :3


Little: Angel dust

Caregiver: husk

Pet names: hun, darlin

Plot; angel comes back from a hard day at work but he tries to get up his "act" but fails and regresses.


Pov: angel's

I stand outside of the hotel, trying to force myself to act big. I walk in smiling, I go and sit at the bar "Haii, cutie~" I say, to husk, he just rolls his eyes. I continue to flirt and talk about my day to husk. Who wasn't listening, I began to feel tears in my eyes.

Pov: Husk

I was cleaning a glass, seeing angel lay his head on the bar. "Angel? You ok?" I ask for a small yes as a reply. "Angel? Are you sure you're okay?" I ask, knowing about his regression. I begin to clean up the bar for the night, I go and sit next to angel. "Angel? How old are you?" Husker asked

Pov; angels

I put up 2 fingers, and lean up laying my head on husk's shoulder "Huwker? baba? I ask, wanting a bottle, husker picks me up(somehow even tho the angel is like a million times bigger than him T-T) taking him to the kitchen, huskers grabs a light pink bottle covered with stars, he fills it up, handing it to me. He carries me to his room. It's simple but not too simple, he sits on the bed next to me, and feeds me the bottle. I drink it all, he puts it on the side table of the bed, i giggle at his tail moving, i grab it putting it in my mouth "angel dont do that" i hear husk say but ignore him, continuing to it. His tail moves away, i begin to cry, but then a paci is in my mouth "there there angel, no need to cry" husk says, rubbing my back

Pov; none

Angel and husk play with angels blocks, legos, stuffies and other toys but angel soon falls asleep in huskers arms that night

The End.

332 words

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