Ch.7 : Simp for her ?

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After what felt like ages, Lily for the first time had a complete sleep without any nightmares interrupting her slumber. It felt so fresh to wake up without any tear stains on her cheeks and any hyperventilation running through her body. Why did she wake up good today she had no clue ...or maybe she did but just wasn't going to accept the fact that her kidnapper sleeping beside her made the difference. Lily touched her forehead still feeling Chan's lips leaving a sweet kiss there. Feeling her cheeks warming up, she shook away the thought instantly and focused on her surroundings. There wasn't anyone in the room. The place where Chan slept last night empty and Lily's wheelchair which wasn't there last night, laid beside her bed. Transferring herself slowly to the wheelchair she took in a deep shaky breath as she finally managed to get on it, readying herself for the upcoming day which she was definitely not looking forward to.

On the other hand the skz hideout stayed quite with the members having gone to a mission except Lee Know. Everyone agreed that he would stay back to look after Lily. Even though he never experienced falling in love before...Lee know understood that it was exactly what caused the unusual fluttering feeling in his stomach. Taking big steps towards Lily's room in full confidence expecting the later to be asleep he opened the door only to have a fully awake Lily now on her wheelchair flinch back a little at his sudden appearance. And now suddenly the member of the most dangerous mafia gang in the world...the second in command of the gang found himself wide eyed and cowering a little under the girl's gaze. He was in loss of words just by the sight of the girl on the wheelchair wearing an oversized hoodie and pants with her hair in a messy braid and eyes till kinda sleepy. God she looked adorable. Finally gaining back his
speaking Lily's questioning gaze he ranted, "Umm....the others have gone for a mission y-you should freshen up..I-I'll bring breakfast." Getting a hesitant nod from Lily he quickly closed the door of her room and pressed his back against it catching his breath. "Why did you stutter you idiot...member of the mafia and you stutter in front of your lover", he said to himself wanting to whack his own head." take a deep breath got this... don't mess up.... it's fine.. you're gonna be all amazing and make her fall for you", he said to himself giving a pat to his shoulders and walking away to get breakfast for the both of them.

Entering the bathroom Lily's first instinct was to go in front of the mirror. Lily honestly never cared about her looks....she thought everyone was beautiful in their very own unique way and she liked to believe she herself was too...what she despised were the marks on her body...marks of all those years of torture she still got nightmares of. All those torture she wanted to forget but which haunted her at every moment of her life. She wanted to forget them but everytime she stood in front of a mirror she could not help but lift up her sleeves to see the marks she put on herself back when she thought it was her fault that those filthy men did that to her. Even though it took time but she finally realised how it had never been her fault...she did not deserve it... nobody in the world deserved what had happened to her. But what made her angry and grieve was the fact that even with the realisation she could not do anything ...those men were powerful...too powerful to go through any consequences for their act. Lily never understood this system of the world. Regaining herself back from the staring contest with her reflection she decided to get a much needed shower.

After half an hour Minho was ready with a special breakfast made all by himself....the first breakfast for the woman he loved and officially his first step to win her heart. Cooking food was a very unexpected way of him showing love towards the people he really cared for...towards HIS people, which included his members and now also Lily.
As he knocked on the door for permission to enter he heard a faint come in. As he turned the door knob to enter he was met with yet another speech stopping view. Lily on her bed in a fresh pair of creme coloured oversized hoodie and pants with damp hair and fully focused on her laptop which Lee Know guessed was her work she did as a software engineer. Intelligence always looked attractive af. Her serious expression screamed her hard earned title of a Doctor. Minho blushed realising how he himself wore a creme coloured oversized hoodie and pants set as if they were twinning...or coupling as Minho would prefer. Clearing his throat to gain her attention Minho said, "I think you should eat first before starting your need the energy...I-I made it by myself", rushing the last part.

Lily's eyes widened as she exclaimed,"Y-You made", whispering the last part. "Maybe take it as an apology for the harsh behaviour yesterday....I am a great chef btw, the cook of the group..I think you'll enjoy my food", Minho said in a soft and nervous voice which did not help the growing overwhelming feeling in Lily's heart. She was used to having take out food by now as she never ever had anyone to cook for her. Craving some good homemade food was her wish which she had accepted would never come true but now it was at the most unexpected place. She couldn't help but a small smile erupt on her face which almost made Minho's legs go weak. God when did he becomes such a simp??

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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