Part 4

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6 years later

(Harry's POV)

Freddie is now 6 and he is really excited ever since I played a One Direction song when he was 3 he loves them especially Louis Tomlinson he finds him so funny and loves his voice Louis is also my favourite member of the band but their all great there is something about Louis that brings you in 

And he and I were sad when the band went on hiatus but we were super happy when Louis released his solo music and I bought both his albums 'Walls' and 'Faith in the future' and we love both of the albums 

And for Freddie's 6th birthday I got him and I tickets to Louis's concert in California which was super exciting for us you see after I adopted Freddie I got a job offer in California to be a baker in California's most popular bakery at first I didn't want to do it but my family talked me into it 

So I moved to California and worked in the bakery and me and my family would visit each other when ever we could and I still work in the bakery but I'm the boss now before the old bossed passed away she saw that I was the hardest and best worker she had so she gave me the role 

Anyway because of me living California Freddie has a American accent where I have been able to keep my British one 

I snap out of my head when I hear Freddie speak up "dad I'm so excited to see Louis do you think he'll see me" l smile at my son through the mirror "I'm excited to and our seats are on the floor in front of the stage so the chances are high" I say not wanted to over promise him and then see him upset that the singer didn't see him 

"But just in case don't be upset if Louis doesn't see you there's a lot of people in there" I explain he nods "ok if he dose which I really really hope for do you think he'll like my sign" Freddie held up the sign that I helped him make 3 days ago it says 

'You are my favourite singer ever I love you and your music'

"I'm sure he'll love it" we continue the drive listening to Louis's albums until finally we arrive at the stadium when we got out of the car I could practically feel Freddie vibrating from excitement "come on dad come on" Freddie says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the line "ok ok I slow down buddy" "but dad I want to get to see the merch stands" I just laugh as we get into the line 

Finally after 30 minutes in line we get into the stadium and we go to a merch stand and I buy him and I Louis shirts I tell him he can put it on after the concert after we walk around for a little bit looking at all the stands and getting some food along with the bathroom we make our way to our seats are at the very front of the stage the show wasn't supposed to start until 8 and it was now 7:30 so we had some time still left I look around and see people still either trying to find their seats or going or returning from the bathroom 

Freddie sits playing on my phone for the time being wanting to keep his phone battery charged soon the lights dim and I put the headphones I got on Freddie's head to protect his ears the curtains then opened and the band started to play I recognize the song as Louis's song 'The greatest' and soon Louis walked out and the whole room blow up in cheers 

Through out the whole concert me and Freddie were dancing, singing, and taking videos Freddie would hold up his banner every now and then until finally the moment Freddie was hoping would happen, happened Louis came over to where we were standing and kneeled down and he pointed at us and waved Freddie started waving back "hi Louis hi" he shouts while I just smile 

Louis finally sang the final song 'silver tongues' and jumped of the stage and all the girls next to us started touching him and trying to pull his clothes off as he runs in front of us he grabs Freddie's hand but then let's go as security pulls him away and leads him back to the stage 

Freddie looks at his hand then at me "dad did you just see that Louis Tomlinson held my hand" "yes I saw your very lucky" I say giggling at his reaction and kissing his head finally the streamers  went of and I grabbed one and showed Freddie "look sweetie I got a streamer for you" "yes thank you dad your the best" he hugs me 

"I love you to bud now let's put this in the back to keep safe" he nods and I wrap the streamer around the new shirt and put both of them in the bag "well I'm afraid it's time to leave now come on we have a bit of a drive to do" I says putting my hand out he takes my hand and we start walking out with the crowd 

As we were walking I heard someone calling for us to stop "hey excuse me Mr. Tomlinson told me that he would like me to bring you and your son backstage" I look at him in shock "backstage really I get to meet Louis" Freddie says happily "yes he said that he would like to meet you guys" "please dad can we please" Freddie begs as he hugs my legs "um ok lead the way I guess" I say still stunned 

He nods and leads us through the crowd I pick Freddie up so I don't lose him we make it backstage and we stop outside a dressing room "I'm just going to inform Mr. Tomlinson that your here" I nod and Freddie starts jumping in my arms "dad can you believe it louis wants to me us I bet it was my sign" he says proud "maybe" I say just then the guard returns "you can go in" I nod and put Freddie down before we both walk in 

Louis stands up from his place on the couch when he sees us "hi I know this is probably really unexpected but I saw you guys and this little lads sign and thought it would be nice to meet and chat with you for a bit" Louis says "see I told you dad it was my sign you know Louis I made this all by myself my dad helped a little but mostly it was me" Freddie says I run my hand through his hair "yeah he is quite the little artist at times but mostly his passion is football" I say "really I like football to" Louis says keeling down to Freddie's height 

"Yes I even play for my school team I'm one of the best players which is funny because my dad's super clumsy" "I heard that" I say joking Louis smiles at us "what else do you like to do love" "well my dad plays the guitar and he's been teaching me how to play his but I really want my own" "I would but I can't really afford a guitar and the one I have was a birthday present from a friend and I spent the money I had saved up for the tickets for Freddie's you birthday" I explain and Louis nods his head but suddenly he stands up "you know what I don't think I'm allowed to do this but I'm going to" he says 

Louis walks us out to where all the bands guitars are and he whispers to the band and they all nod Louis then grabs a black and white electric guitar and grabs a black marker and writes on it he closes the marker and puts it in his pant pocket before walking over and showing us the guitar which I now see has his name autograph on it "here lad" Louis says hand the guitar to Freddie 

'Picture at the top'

Freddie puts his hands over his mouth in shock "your giving me one of your guitars" "yep consider it a late birthday present" Louis says smiling "thank you thank you thank you" Freddie says handing me the guitar as he hugs Louis Louis laughs as he hugs back "your welcome love" they pull apart and I take a picture of Freddie holding his new guitar "well I'm sorry but it's time for me to leave gotta get moving to the next place" "ok bye and thank you so much I've never seen my son so happy before" 

"No problem but before I go can I get your names" "oh I'm Harry styles and this is my son Freddie" "lovely names and looks like you've done a great job with him" I wave it of "oh it's nothing just doing what anyone would do even if he's not biological mine" Louis looks at me in question 

"I adopted Freddie after he was left on my door step 6 years ago never found out who the parents are but it doesn't matter as long as he's happy" "and Freddie knows" "oh yes I told him when he was 4 and he just told me he doesn't want anyone else to be his parent" Louis smiles "well good for you you did a brave thing don't think a lot of people would have done what you did" the moment was interrupted by the guards telling Louis to hurry up

"Well I'm off it was nice meeting you to and I hope to see you again" Louis waves then walks away a guards leads us out of the stadium and we get to our car on our way home me and Freddie couldn't stop smiling along with Freddie never letting go of his brand new gifted guitar by his favourite singer 

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