Part 7

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(Louis's POV)

It's been a week since the tour ended and I was sitting at home having a smoke by the pool laying in a lounge chair just listening to the birds chirping and the sound of traffic in the distance it was comforting but I couldn't help but feel lonely I mean I live in this big ass house all by myself at least when the band was still together me and the boys had each other to keep company

Now I'm smoking at home all on my own i mean I have my dog Clifford which I love him with all my heart but I just wish I had someone to come home to someone who would have dinner cooking when I come home someone I can cuddle at night in my bed someone I can call mine is that so much to ask to just have a normal and real relationship with somebody who will actually love me for me not because of my fame and fortune

But that's what comes with being a star it's probably the worst part is that you never know weather people actually like you for who you are as a person and let's just say I haven't found that person yet my family and my band are the only people who truly know me inside and out but as I go on tour or pap walks I always see happy couples out and about it makes jealous because I can't have what they have a relationship that the who world doesn't know about or find crazy there just two people in love

As I was thinking about my boring famous love life I can't help but let my mind drift into thinking about Harry and Freddie for some reason I can't get them out of my head no matter how hard I try they always find a way into my thoughts Freddie's adorable smile when I gave him the guitar and how he was so confident about his sign which was pretty good looking and just seeing him dancing and singing along was great but Harry he was something

He didn't squeal or anything when I met him backstage he just talk to me like I was any other person sure he was nervous at first but who wouldn't but once we had started talking it was nice and I didn't feel like I was talking to a fan or a fans parent I truly felt like I normal guy again but of course I had to leave for the next show so our conversation was cut short but honestly I wouldn't give it up for anything

But still that conversation was one I'll never forget even though I have had of conversations with thousands of different people most of them I can't remember I we said or what the topic was but with I remember it all the way he spoke about saving money just to buy his son tickets to my show and the heartbreaking story of how Harry found Freddie just laying on his doorstep abandoned by his own mother

I couldn't even imagine my life without my mom she got pregnant with me young and had to raise me all by herself because my so called dad ran off after I was born and started a new family at least my mom was able to find love in my stepdad mark and I was given 4 younger sisters who I will protect forever until the day I die but honestly I would kill to have children of my own who I can teach football to and they would come to my games and be my cheer squad and I could tuck in at night and spoil them rotten every Christmas and birthdays

Thinking about it makes me also a little worried even though my biological father was never present in my life I still can't help but have this fear of possible ended up like him getting my partner pregnant and then once the baby's born just taking off and starting a new life it's stupid I know why should I let my good for nothing dad's choices affect me so much it's just I don't want to be a deadbeat dad

But anyways I continue to day dream about what it would be like to one day start a family of my very own then I picture Freddie running to me calling me dad and the then hugging me then Harry walks up to us and we say hello to each other he kisses me and then pull away and I hold his hand that has a wedding ring on it-wait a second what I am I thinking I've only met this guy once and had like a 5 minute conversation and already I'm fantastic about having a life with him and his kid get a hold of yourself Louis seriously

I get startled when my phone rings I pick it up and answer after seeing it was my mom "hello mom" "hi boo bear" "mom I thought we talked about the boo bear thing" "I know but no matter how old you are you'll always be my little boo bear" "yeah ok anyways what's been going on" I ask wondering why she called even though we call each other quite frequently "I'm just calling to ask how your doing" "I'm doing good just chilling by the pool since I don't really have much to do now that the tour ended" "oh don't worry honey I'm sure you'll be on another tour before you know it" "I sure hope so you know how much I love visiting places and seeing the fans" i say signing happily

We keep talking for a bit until my mom ask me if I've met anyone yet "oh no I mean sort of it's a bit complicated I met this guy Harry at my concert in California and he had his son with him who's named Freddie and I saw Freddie's sign and invited them backstage and Freddie told me about how his dad is teaching him how to play guitar and I might of signed one of the band's guitars and gave it to him and I talked a bit with Harry and mom he was so nice he treated me like a person not a god and it was a short talk but it was really nice" I say

My mom goes ohhh "Lou have you got a crush on this Harry boy" she says and I can tell she's smirking "maybe I don't know I don't even know him that well only a few things" "what do you know about him if you don't mind me asking" "well the most important thing I know about him is that he adopted his son Freddie was left on his doorstep and that Freddie likes football even though Harry is clumsy and I'm his favourite singer" I finish saying "well honey they both sound like sweet boys and I can tell you are fond of them" "oh I guess I kinda am" I say

Mom then says she has to go and we say goodbye and hang up and It's back to being quiet I sign yeah sure I'm fond of Harry and Freddie but Harry could never love someone like me especially with me being famous and him having a kid things just don't seem like it will work because I don't want to rope them into a life they never asked for I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes but still even if I did have some feelings for Harry his son needs to come first at all times and I just don't think I would fit in with their little family

I walk back into the house to feed Clifford and hope that one day I'll finally get the family I've been dreaming about

The doorstep baby/Larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now