Part 6

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(Harry's POV) 

It's been a week since the concert and Freddie would alway be playing with the guitar he can't actually play anything he just strums the strings for fun when he's a bit order I'll teach him some songs that are a bit harder then the nursery rhymes I've been teaching him on my guitar that he's still learning he doesn't want to do nursery rhymes on his new electric guitar oh but how excited he was to show his aunt and grandparents the guitar I video called them and they were just as surprised as I was when Freddie told them how he got the signed guitar 

"So your telling me not only did Louis Tomlinson invite you guys back stage but he also autographed one of the bands guitars and then gave it to Freddie just like that" Gemma says shocked and confused after Freddie left to go play in the back yard "yeah pretty much I don't understand why he did it either I mean he said he saw me and Freddie and for some reason just wanted to meet us but that doesn't really explain the guitar" I says 

"Well maybe he likes you" my mom says a little teasingly I just roll my eyes "I doubt it he probably saw us and read Freddie sign and wanted to make Freddie happy by meeting him" I say trying to think of a reasonable reason for Louis's actions "maybe but did he just talk to Freddie or did he also talk to you" my stepdad robin asks "he talked to me asked me my name and I explained to him about how I got Freddie and he complemented how I was doing a good job raising him" I say 

Gemma looks suspicious "did he ever ask you if you were single at all" she asks "no our conversation was short because he had to leave to go to the next show" I say shrugging not really seeing it as big deal "besides there's no point in getting overly excited about it I'm probably not gonna see him again I mean he's a world famous rock star and I'm just a normal single father why would he be interested in me when he could have any singer, model, actor, or athlete" I say not believing that a singer like Louis Tomlinson world choose me over those kind of people 

My mom looks at me sadly "don't put yourself down sweetie you are handsome and kind and have raised a beautiful little boy all on your own any man would be lucky to go out with you" she says bringing my spirits up a bit "yeah I mean he asked for you to come back stage nobody else so that must mean something right" robin says "maybe" I a say shrugging my shoulders again looking down we say our goodbyes and I close my laptop and go play with Freddie in the backyard while trying to stop myself from thinking about what my family said about Louis

There's absolutely no way a celebrity like Louis would ever go for someone like me I bet he's forgotten all about us anyways he meets so many fans why would me and Freddie be any different 

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