Part 8

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(Harry's POV) 

Me and Freddie were playing in the park because it's such a nice day out I was sitting on the picnic blanket that I bought while I watch Freddie on the swings as I'm about to pull out our lunch I hear "Harry" behind me I turn around a see none other then Louis Tomlinson standing there "oh h-hello what an unexpected surprise" Louis just laughs I'm guessing at seeing me nervous but that's not new to him I bet 

"Well it's definitely a surprise to me to but please don't be nervous it's just me plain old Louis" he says and I smile "I'm pretty sure there are 1000 young girls who would disagree with that" and he smiles "probably but your not one of those girls your just Harry and I'm just Louis ok" I nod "ok whatever makes you comfortable" "thank you being known as 'the Louis Tomlinson' is ok" he says making quotes with his fingers "sometimes it's nice to just been seen as normal Louis only my family and band now the real me" 

I nod in understanding it must be hard wanted to be seen as yourself but everyone only knows you as a celebrity "and it's not that I'm not great full for all that I've accomplished or my fans my fans they seriously are the best fans in the whole fucking world but it's nice to have a break from the whole celebrity thing" we laugh "I can only imagine how tiring it must be from going to one place to another in a pathetic amount of time" I say and Louis nods 

"It can be but it's worth it seeing the happy faces of all my fans that have spent so much money just to come and see me like you and Freddie by the way how is the little lad" "oh he's great he's actually over there on the swings he loves the guitar you gave him I've been teaching him how to play easy nursery rhymes first before moving on to songs that are a little harder" Louis smiles "that's sweet it's good that he's enjoying it being that I'm not supposed to give things away for free like that without permission to" I explain 

I see Louis look over to where Freddie is still swinging not noticing Louis yet I decide to ask "so what are you doing here if you don't mind me asking it's almost like you knew we'd be here" Louis looks at me again "oh no no I'm not stalking you like some creep no my mom asked me to bring my younger siblings to the park their over their on the playground the boy with the blonde hair on the slide is my little brother Ernest and the red hair girl on the monkey bars is my little sister Doris they are twins" i look over and see two kids looking around 8 years old 

"Their cute" I say smiling at them "I know I love them to death like all my other siblings" I look at him confused "how many siblings do you have exactly I know this is probably something I should already know about you but honestly I really don't know much about you at all I refuse to look people up because I feel like the majority of the things that are said is fake" Louis nods his head "your not wrong there Harold "only some of the things they say about me is real everything else is all horseshit" he says crossing his arms "it's just Harry my names not Harold I mean your not the first person to call me that but I just hate it because growing up everyone thought my name was short for Harold but it's not" I say hating that I have to explain it over and over again 

"Well I can certainly understand that my names Louis but when I was growing a lot of people called me Lewis and I hated it so I would have to also explain that the s is silent and that it's Louis so everyone called me that but my closest friends would call me Lou or tommo since my last name is Tomlinson" "really very cool" "yeah although nothing really cool about it just nicknames what nicknames did you have Harry" Louis then asks and I laugh nervously "well some called me hazza or haz for short also when I got older my Harry became curly so some people called me curly" I say shrugging 

"Hazza uh I might just start calling you that" he says and we laugh again I never imagined that I would be sitting in the park having a nice friendly conversation with Louis Tomlinson if this was a dream I never want to wake up suddenly I hear a Freddie running over to us "oh my gosh daddy it's Louis hi Louis" Louis smiles at Freddie "hey there lad how have you been your dad tells me you've been liking the guitar" Freddie nods smiling a really big smile 

"Yeah I love it more like dad's been teaching me silly nursery rhymes but he says I once I'm a bit older i might be able to play some of your songs and then maybe I could be a famous singer just like you" he says happily "really are you any good Freddie" I nod "oh he is my family comes down for a week during summer vacation and we have a karaoke night and he rocks it every time" "especially when both of us sing we bring the roof down right dad" Freddie says turning to me "yep we bring the roof down" I pull freddie into my lap and bring out our sandwiches 

I give Freddie's his and I pull out mine "would you like anything Louis we have a bit of food if your hungry and your siblings are welcome to join as well" I say not wanting Louis to feel uncomfortable watching us eat "oh really sure I'd like that let me just grab the twins" Louis says and he stands up and after a little bit he came back with the twins he introduced me and Freddie to Doris and Ernest and they immediately sat down when I asked them what they would like to eat 

For the rest of the day we sat there laughing talking and making jokes the kids started playing tag and us to play so we did finally all the kids were tired out ready to leave I pack everything up into the picnic basket when hear Louis clear his throat I look at him "yes Louis" "well I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind exchanging phone numbers you know so we can talk more and actually possibly become friends" "sure no problem" we give each other our phone numbers "by the way Louis I think we are already friends" we smile at each other before grabbing the kids and leaving our separate ways 

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