Part 10

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(Louis's POV)

I decided to go to a a little bar for a little bit since Harry is working and Freddie is at school so I thought it would be nice to have a little alone time while I wait to see them again while I sit at the bar siping my soda I figured it would be best not to drink any alcohol because I didn't want to anything stupid since I just started going out with Harry plus I didn't want to get wasted and then have Freddie see that

So I'm sticking with good old fashioned soda which is still tasty while I'm sitting there I hear someone sit down next to me I don't think much about it until they speak "can I have a sangria please" I remember that voice I look and see "Brianna?" She looks at me and I see shock cover her face "Louis oh my god hi I haven't seen you since we had that little drunken one night stand about 5 years ago" she says sounding happy to see me

"Yeah how have you been" I ask "good haven't been up to much these days but whatever what about you what's changed in your life since we last met" she asks me and I smile thinking about Harry and Freddie "oh I see you've got yourself a crush who is it is it someone I might know" I shake my head "no I doubt it his name is Harry styles and I met him at one of my concerts and he had his 5 year old son Freddie and they are best in fact me and Harry had our first date" I explain

I see Brianna looking away a little spaced out "you said you he has a son named Freddie" I look at her confused "yeah why" she looks at me "come with me" she says then drags me into the bathroom then locks the door I look at her "Brianna what are you doing what's wrong" I ask her

She signs and looks into the mirror is Freddie's middle name Reign" I quietly answer "yes" she nods "is his birthday January 21st" again I say yes but shakily this time "how do you know all that" I ask her slowly and quietly "Louis you need to know something and I don't want what I'm about to tell you to ruin what you and Harry have" she says looking down at the sink I walk closer to her "what are you talking about tell me what" I ask getting a little frustrated

"After we had our night together I found out I was pregnant two weeks later we didn't protection and I didn't tell you because I knew what would end up happening your management would find out they would make you announce the pregnancy and I would have to constantly put up with paps taking pictures of my bump and people would talk about it and you know rumours would have started going around Weather or not I was pregnant or if the baby was actually yours and then when the baby would be born I would have to post pictures and videos of them just so people would know they were real and he would have to deal with paps and having his face seen and known by millions and I didn't want that life for him I mean can you imagine being him and going to school and having everyone wanting to be friends with him just cause he's a celebrities kid" she says

I was speechless and in shock after hearing all that I mean she's right all of that most likely would of happened I take a deep breath as I balance myself on the sink so I don't fall "s-so w-what your saying is-is" Brianna said it for me since she could probably tell I was having trouble "Freddie is your son Louis and after he was born I put him on someone's doorstep which I now know was Harry's left a note and ran away I couldn't give him the life he deserves so I left him with Harry because I knew he could also I've never wanted kids it just wasn't for me and I wasn't going to get an abortion or have my parents raise him so I did the only thing I could think and that was to give him to someone more responsible then me" she says

Ok now I feel like passing out I start breathing heavily and I sit on the floor trying to get my thoughts together but all I could think about was the fact that Freddie was my biological son and I didn't even know it and Harry the man I'm falling for has raised him for 5 years all alone and has a incredible job after a bit I stand up "thanks Brianna for telling me this but now I gotta go I need to figure out a way to tell Harry this so then we tell Freddie" I say she nods and walk out of the bar after paying for my drink

Some of you might of thought I'd pull a pregnant with the popular boy's baby but I didn't but a cliff hanger. *gasps*

The doorstep baby/Larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now