Part 11

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 (Harry's POV)

I just got back from work and picking Freddie up from school and I see Louis already at our house waiting for us and when Freddie sees Louis step out of his car he immediately runs to him "Louis your here" Freddie running and hugging Louis's legs and Louis starts rubbing his back "hey little lad of course I'm here" Louis says smiling down at Freddie and I don't know why but I feel like Louis's looking at Freddie with more love in his eyes then ever 

I go over and hug him after Freddie stops hugging him "hey what were you doing sitting in your car you could of gone in you do know where the spare key is after all" I tell him and he smiles "yeah but it didn't feel like going into your house without you I also didn't want your neighbours to call the cops" he says and I giggle at him "well come on in Lou" I say and all go in the house 

After our shoes are off Louis asks Freddie if he could go play since he has to talk to me about something for a minute Freddie nods and runs off to his bedroom and me and Louis walk into the kitchen and we sit down on the barstools "so what is it you wanted to talk about nothing bad I hope" I ask him "I'm not breaking up with you it's something that is definitely going to change our relationship but hopefully not in a bad way" Louis says and I start to get worried "Louis your starting to scare me what is it" I ask

(Louis's POV) 

I take a deep breath "ok so I went to a bar during the day and before you ask no I did not drink anything but soda and I ran into a girl I had a one night stand back when I was in one direction her name is Brianna jungworth and we talk for a bit catching up but then she took me into the bathroom and told me some pretty shocking information" I look at him and he's waiting for me to continue and I do "so she explains how a few weeks after our drunk night together she got pregnant but didn't want to keep the baby because she wasn't ready and she didn't want him growing up in the spotlight so after the baby was born she put them on a doorstep and left" I tell him 

I could see the gears in his head working and I see his eyes get wide "Louis what are you saying" he asks with a shaking voice I think he already figured it out but just wants me to confirm it's true "Freddie is my real son and Brianna was the one who left him on your doorstep" I say and he puts a hand over his mouth 

(Back to Harry's POV)

I didn't know what to say or think I mean I just found out the man I went on a date with along with being a pop star had a one night stand with a girl and she got pregnant with his baby but then dropped him off at my front step and I've been raising him for 5 years and honestly at first when he started talking about sleeping with someone I was worried that he was going to tell me he had a kid with someone else and the mom would want him to start getting involved 

Sounds wrong I know but that's just where my mind was at and I didn't want me and Freddie to suddenly become his second choice but likely that wasn't it but then I thought he was going to say she had of change of heart and would want Freddie back but again it didn't go there which I was relieved about "so your Freddie's real dad and the girl who slept with just openly said that to you" I ask and he nods 

"Ok but what now obviously I don't want whatever we have to go to ruin because Freddie has become very close to you so have I and I don't want him to get hurt" I say thinking how this will affect Freddie "I don't want any of that either but I want you to know that even though I'm his father you are his parent you are the one who has dressed him, feed him, taken care of him while he was sick or hurt ok harry you raised him to be this polite charming young boy and I couldn't of asked fr anyone better to raise my son when I wasn't able to" Louis says and I feel my eyes start to burn with tears threatening to fall

"Oh Louis" I say to him and hug him he hugs me back and we stand there for a bit before pulling away it was like time froze and the whole world faded away and it was just the two of us as we lean and share our first kiss and it was everything I hoped it would be and better we pull apart and smile at each other "wow" Louis says "yeah wow" i say and nod 

"So are we going tell Freddie that his favourite singer for a long is actually his dad" I ask Louis and he smiles "yes we should he deserves to know the truth obviously we won't tell him how me and Brianna met until he is a bit order but yeah" Louis says "ok wanna do it now since your here and we can get it out of the way" I ask "sure but I won't lie I'm a bit worried how his reaction going to be" he says "don't worry he's going to love you even more then he dose" I tell him which is the truth 

(Third person POV)

Harry nods and calls freddie downstairs "yes dad" Freddie asks him "come here sweetie come sit on a barstool with us me and Louis have some news" harry says and Freddie gets on a stool "are you guys dating are you in love" Freddie asks and neither of them were expecting that "what makes you think that" Louis asks curiously "because I saw you guys kissing outside from my window" Freddie says shocking both Harry and Louis that Freddie saw them after their date 

"So if we were to start to dating each other you won't mind" Harry asks and Freddie shakes his head "no I would think it's really cool that my dad is dating Louis Tomlinson and one day you could get married and Louis could be my other dad" Freddie says happily Louis and Harry look at each other and they know that this was the right time to tell him 

"Hey Freddie speaking of that it's actually what we wanted to talk to you about" Louis says and Harry continues "you see Louis was out and he ran into someone who told him that they got pregnant with you but they weren't ready to take care of you so they left you on my doorstep" Harry starts and Freddie listens but doesn't say anything "and the person told me that the baby was mine so Freddie what we are trying to tell you is...I'm your real father" Louis says and Freddie looks at them with surprised eyes 

"So you mean your my dad" Freddie asks and they both nod Freddie jumps down from his stool and runs over to Louis and hugs him Louis hugs him back while watches lovingly "I love you you Louis even more then before wait I mean dad" Freddie says Louis's heart just grew a bit bigger and Freddie sees that Harry isn't in the hug so he pulls him in and they have their first little family hug 

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