Part 9

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(Louis's POV)

Ok I'm gonna do it I'm gonna ask Harry out on a date when we ran into each at the park and spend the whole afternoon together I felt my heart rate sky rocket every time Harry would look at me or laugh or do anything really he's just so beautiful, kind, funny, and an amazing father to Freddie and he was great with Doris and Ernest and now that I have his phone number I'm going to text him and ask

"Ok this is it I can do this simply just start up a friendly conversation then casually just ask if he has any plans for the weekend and if he says no I'll ask him if he wants to do something with me and if he does have plans already we'll I'll just have to try again another time" I say to myself even though asking him seems easier said then done

I pick up my phone and go to text and find Harry's number and press it and once it's open I go to text something but I freeze what would be a good conversation starter I think for a second and decide to type something 'hey Harry how's it going got any plans' I delete it that's to straight forward and I don't want to scare him off before I even get a chance with him

I try a few other things out but delete them to since they didn't sound like a good way to start a conversation they were a bit weird until finally I just decided on 'hey Harry it's Louis' I send it and after about 5 minutes Harry reply's which I was starting to freak out a little bit thinking Harry wasn't going to answer

Harry: hi Louis how are you?

Louis: i'm good not doing much honestly. How about you?

Harry: other then taking Freddie to his friends for a sleepover nothing either.

Louis: that's nice, hey since neither of us has anything really to do wanna go out maybe tonight or on the weekend I don't know?

Harry: what like a date?

Louis: if that's what you wanna call it. 😉

Harry: sure why not it'll be fun 🙂

Louis: ok great so maybe we can do it tonight I'll pick you at let's say 8:00?

Harry: yep sounds good see you tonight!😊

Yes I nailed it now I'm going out with Harry and I'm glad that when I suggested that it was date he accepted it and seemed happy it was but as soon as the realization sinked in I started to panic "on my god were going out tonight and I have nothing planned ok settle down Louis you still have time just call your favourite restaurant make a reservation and then shower and pick a good outfit see it's not that hard right? Right" I say and picked up my phone and made the reservation

Ok the reservation is at 8:30 and only 3:30 so I lots of extra time ok I'm gonna get in the shower now so I'm not rushing to do it later when I get out of I go through my closet and pick out the outfit I'm gonna wear for dinner then pick out some clothes to put on for the time being

(Fast forward to 7:58)

(Still Louis's POV)

I finish putting my clothes on and I decide to spray some cologne on not to much that it bothers Harry the whole night but just enough so I smell nice anyways I fix my hair since some of it is still kinda knotted from being wet finally I was ready and I looked at the time and saw that it was now 8:01 so I didn't have to pick Harry up for a bit but I decided it would be nice to go buy him some flowers to help pass the time

Once I picked up the flowers I texted Harry that I was coming and made my way to his place once I got their I texted him that I was out front and he said he would be out in a minute I play with my fingers for a little bit until I look up and and I am stunned so much so that I have to do a double take just to make sure what I'm seeing is real

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