Bonus III

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Evelyn was in when she first met the strange man in her dreams. In the same field of flowers, standing underneath the myrtle tree

The sky was a perfect shade of blue, and the flowers were bursting with pinks, blues, and purples. Even if it was a dream, Evelyn could feel all her worries fleeing from her. 

Though, the anemones were wilted this time, and only them. Evelyn reached out to one and cupped it gently in her hand. The petals looked gloomy, and were drooping; as if they were crying. 

"Anemones are quite delicate, aren't they?"

Evelyn jumped, she recognized the voice. She whirled around to see a man dressed in white, walking up to her side. The anemones slowly opened their petals as he got closer. He was young, looking at least ten years older than her with his black hair blowing slightly through the wind. As he walked in place next to her, Evelyn could see his eyes were like hers; large doe-eyes looking wistfully at her. 

"They wilt when they're too warm, yet they close up when it's too cold." The man noted, turning his gaze to the anemone in Evelyn's hand, "Seems like your hands are the perfect temperature for them."

Evelyn looked down at the crimson anemone in her hands. Her eyes widen as she watched the anemone that was once drooping, spring back to life with its petals in full bloom.

She turned back to the man who had his eyes set back on her with a curious gaze. "You're Adonis, aren't you? You're the man who's been in my dreams and who's been talking to me."

The man, Adonis, softly smiled (His smile was similar to hers, she noticed) and nodded his head, "The little dove is as clever and as bright as your mother and I saw." He said, confirming her feelings.

Evelyn perked up slightly at the mention of her mother, "My prophecy. I had it in this same place." She gestured to the scenery of flowers around them, "You and mother know about it, don't you?" She asked, knowing the answer to her own question. 

"Yes, your prophecy." Adonis said, "That is why I'm here." He gently took the anemone from Evelyn's hand, "I'm here to talk to you about what I can."

Evelyn frowned, "So you won't tell me everything." She stated, picking up on the hidden meaning in his words. 

Adonis nodded, "Believe me. If I could, I would have told you everything the first time we met." The wind picked up, breezing through their hair. "Your mother and I have been told not to. It is not time to, as you will find out in time shortly."

He looked away, gazing at the flowers. "We are connected in more ways than you think little dove. Our minds and souls are chained in a way from the our love for your mothers."

Evelyn furrowed her brows, as he looked back at her. "Mothers, plural" She realized, "You knew my mortal mother too?"

Adonis nodded, "Your mother was one of a kind, she truly did have beauty both on the outside and inside." He tilted his head slightly to the side, as if examining her, "You look quite like her. Even the way you scrunch your eyebrows is alike to her." He had a small smile of amusement as he reached out to flick her forehead softly to let go of her scrunched brows.

"What was she like?" Evelyn asked, she knows she should be asking more important questions about her prophecy. But... she doesn't know anything about her mortal mother, not a single thing.

"Jieun was an incredible woman." He started, and Evelyn looked down at her feet.

Jieun. She finally knew her mother's name, after thirteen years. 

"Her love and beauty was what attracted your mother and I to her." His eyes were nostalgic, as if all the memories of her came back to him at this moment. "Your mothers fell in love, but I had more of a pure love for her; a platonic one, you could call it."

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